The Nanyue Palace and Maritime Silk Road

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Nanyue Palace site is located in the old town area of Guangzhou City. Since 1975, a number of relics have been discovered, including the shipbuilding site from the Qin Dynasty, gardens of the Nanyue Palace, Southern Han Palace site, government offices from the Han to Qing Dynasty and exotic items brought in outside of China. Nanyue Palace site is like a wordlesschronicle. It witnesses how Guangzhou Nanyue Palace site is located in the old town area of ​​Guangzhou City. Since 1975, a number of relics have been discovered, including the shipbuilding site from the Qin Dynasty, gardens of the Nanyue Palace, Southern Han Palace site, government offices from the Han to Qing Dynasty and exotic items brought in outside of China. Nanyue Palace site is like a wordlesschronicle. It witnesses how Guangzhou
资料与方法1.1临床资料对自1994年5月以来的孕7月及7月以上引产者,采用利凡诺合用非那根晚期(简称利-非)引产方式,其中,孕7月151例,孕8月142例,孕9月53例,预产期引产33例。1.2对照1993年5月~1994年4月,单用利凡诺晚期(简... M
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