
来源 :湖南农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhilong217
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果树大多为多年生植物,植株高大,根系发达,生活和适应能力强,可在山地、丘陵、平地、滩涂种植,既可利用荒山,坡地和房前屋后的空坪隙地,不与粮、棉、油等大宗作物争田地,又可美化环境,防止水土流失,并能创造较高的经济效益。我国地跨寒、温、热多种气候带,地理、气候条件十分复杂,果树资源极为丰富,有着十分优越的发展果树生产条件。近年来,无论是果树栽培面积还是果实产量和品质都有较大程度的提高,但也存在不少问题,如果树种类、品种搭配不当,良种繁育、区域栽培、采后处理和其他一些服务工作跟不上等等。 Fruit trees are mostly perennials, tall plants, developed roots, life and adaptability, can be in the mountains, hills, plains, beaches planted, can use the barren hills, slopes and houses in front of the empty gap, not with grain, cotton , Oil and other crops competing for the land, but also beautify the environment, prevent soil erosion, and create higher economic benefits. China’s cross-cold, warm, hot and a variety of climatic zones, geography, climate conditions are very complicated, fruit tree resources are extremely rich, with very good conditions for the development of fruit trees. In recent years, both the fruit tree cultivation area and the fruit yield and quality have been greatly improved. However, there are still many problems. For example, if the tree species and varieties are improperly matched, breeding of elite species, regional cultivation, post-harvest processing and other service work Can not keep up.
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