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为了适应灾区情况,我校的手工劳动课,已开始结合当地副业生产进行教学了。首先,我们注意提高全体师生对生产救灾的认识。在此基础上,动员担任手工劳动课的教师向群众学习,潘其秀老师已学会了织席子、编蒲扇,魏达明、于连超、潘其彪等老师还学会了打茅窝(用芦苇花编的一种草鞋,冬天穿的)。并根据手工劳动课的教学目的,教育学生重视副业生产,改变了“认为打茅窝、织蒲包是群众的手工艺,不能作为手工劳动课来上”的说法。目前,中高年级学生全部投入编织,情绪很高。六年级学生赵云芳,过去认为织席子难为情,不肯动手,现在看到老师认真学习,亲自动手,她的爱面子思想也就消除了。 In order to adapt to the disaster situation, our school's manual work class has begun to teach with the local sideline production. First, we pay attention to raising the awareness of all teachers and students in disaster relief. On the basis of this, mobilizing teachers who took part in the manual work class to learn from the masses. Professor Pan Qixiu has learned how to weave mats, compile the palm fan, Weida Ming, Yu Lianchao, Pan Qibiao and other teachers also learned to play Mao Mao Wo Straw shoes, winter wear). According to the teaching purpose of the manual work class, students are taught to attach importance to sideline production and change the saying that “weaving the maos and weaving the bags are the arts and crafts of the masses and can not be used as manual work classes.” At present, all senior and middle-grade students are put into weaving and have high emotions. The sixth grade student Zhao Yunfang, who used to think that weaving mats are embarrassed and refusing to start hands-on exercises, now sees the teacher studying hard and hands-on with her, and her idea of ​​losing her face is eliminated.
Introduction Patients developing hemoptysis or pulmonary infiltrates together with glomerulonephritis,particularly the rapidly progressive cases,are considered
函授教育的基本特点之一是函授生独立自学,因此指导函授生自学是函授教学工作中最根本的问题。现将我们指导函授生自学的方法介绍于下: 一要求函授生订立自学计划,指导贯徹
几年前,我单位曾承建了一幢15 00平方米的装配式单层工业厂房。当时为了年底竣工,在12月上旬经过20天紧张施工,终于在元旦前完成了人面积的无砂和水磨石地面。没有料到,未满