An isotope study of the accumulation mechanisms of high-sulfur gas from the Sichuan Basin, southwest

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jf_long
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The mechanism of hydrogen sulfide(H_2S) generation plays a key role in the exploration and development of marine high-sulfur natural gas, of which the major targets are the composition and isotope characteristics of sulfur-containing compounds.Hydrocarbon source rocks, reservoir rocks, natural gases and water-soluble gases from Sichuan Basin have been analyzed with an online method for the content of H_2S and isotopic composition of different sulfur-containing compounds. The results of comparative analysis show that the sulfur-containing compounds in the source rocks are mainly formed by bacterial sulfate reduction(BSR), and the sulfur compounds in natural gas, water and reservoir are mainly formed by thermal sulfate reduction(TSR). Moreover, it has been shown that the isotopically reversion for methane and ethane in high sulfur content gas is caused by TSR. The sulfur isotopic composition of H_2S in natural gas is inherited from the gypsum or brine of the same or adjacent layer,indicating that the generation and accumulation of H_2S have the characteristics of either a self-generated source or a near-source. The mechanism of hydrogen sulfide (H_2S) generation plays a key role in the exploration and development of marine high-sulfur natural gas, of which the major targets are the composition and isotope characteristics of sulfur-containing compounds. Hydrocarbon source rocks, reservoir rocks, natural gases and water-soluble gases from Sichuan Basin have been analyzed with an online method for the content of H_2S and isotopic composition of different sulfur-containing compounds. The results of comparative analysis show that the sulfur-containing compounds in the source rocks are mainly formed by bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR), and the sulfur compounds in natural gas, water and reservoir are mainly formed by thermal sulfate reduction (TSR). Moreover, it has been shown that the isotopically reversion for methane and ethane in high sulfur content gas is caused by TSR. The sulfur isotopic composition of H_2S in natural gas is inherited from the gypsum or brine of the same or adjacent layer, indica ting that the generation and accumulation of H_2S have the characteristics of either a self-generated source or a near-source.
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