六十载勇攀高峰 新起点再创辉煌——写在中国科学院化学研究所建所60周年之际

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金秋十月,中国科学院化学研究所迎来了60周岁的生日。60年来,化学所经历了筹建初创、“十年动乱”、科技体制改革和“知识创新工程”、“率先行动”计划等几个重要历史时期。在各级领导的亲切关怀下,在国内外各界的无私支援和大力支持下,几代化学所人共同努力,顽强拼搏,勇攀高峰,形成了“创新、求是、团结、奉献”的优秀文化,为我国科技事业、国民经济和国防建设 In the autumn of October, the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences ushered in the 60th birthday. Over the past 60 years, chemistry has undergone several important historical periods such as preparation for establishment, “ten years of turmoil”, reform of science and technology system, and “knowledge innovation project” and “take the lead in action”. Under the cordial care of leaders at all levels, with the unselfish support and strong support from all walks of life both at home and abroad, several generations of chemical institutes worked hard, worked hard and climbed to the climax, forming a system of “innovation, seeking, unity and dedication” Excellent culture, for our science and technology, national economy and national defense construction
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