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写下这个题目,心中真是一阵痛楚,中国羽毛球果真已冷却至冰点,果真仍在“谷底”苦苦挣扎吗?1992年汤姆斯杯一战,中国羽毛球滑坡之势初显,次年8月底,“少帅”李永波于危难之际挑重担于肩,执掌国家羽毛球队副总教练一职。之后的一年零七个月,中国羽毛球忽喜忽悲,有兵败广岛的痛楚,亦有顾俊/葛菲荣登世界女双排行榜首位的喜悦,个中酸甜滋味历历在胸。行至今年年初,昔日羽坛巾帼李玲蔚重执教鞭,出任女单主教练,立志率众小将从王莲香手中夺回世界冠军称号,国家队又从各地网罗精兵强将,队中士气渐长,可以预言“冰点”融化指日可待,中国羽毛球队苦苦挣扎数年之后,也可以给国人一个说法。 Write down this topic, the heart really a pain, the Chinese badminton really cooled to freezing point, really still “bottom” struggling? 1992 Thomas Cup, the badminton landslide in China first appeared, the end of August the following year, “Young Marshal” Li Yongbo in the critical occasion of the heavy burden on the shoulders, in charge of the national team vice head coach badminton. After a year and seven months, the Chinese badminton flirting and frustration, there are defeat Hiroshima pain, but also Gu Jun / Ge Fei Rong world doubles list of joy, a sweet and sour taste in the chest. To the beginning of this year, the former Yu altarpiece Li Ling Wei heavy coaching whip, as the women’s singles coach, determined to take the hands of the youngster Wang Lianxiang recaptured the title of world champion, the national team recruits from around the elite troops, morale is growing, the team can predict “Freezing point” melting just around the corner, the Chinese badminton team struggling for several years, you can also give people a statement.
记者了解到,针对首都经济圈协调发展而提出的设想,并在社会上引起讨论的主要有:“京津合并”计划、“大北京计划”及“秦皇岛特区”等集中规划。 “大北京计划” 2002年10月
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