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提起分期付款,都市里的消费者也许对它并不陌生。如果你细心留意的话,当媒体将各式各样的汽车分期付款广告炒得沸沸扬扬之时,面对“用一件中档家电的钱把车开回家”如此具有诱惑力的广告语,你能不心动吗?然而零点市场调查与分析公司于1998年11月初对京沪穗沈汉五市1542名城市居民就分期付款意识进行的一项抽样调查表明,明确表示不愿意采用分期付款方式消费的人占受访总体5成余,表示愿意采用分期付款方式消费的人仅占受访总体3成。国内的分期付款刚刚起步,这3成之数是多是少呢? With installments, the city’s consumers may not be new to it. If you pay close attention to it, when the media a variety of car installments ads stir up heated up, the face of “a car with a mid-range money to drive home” so attractive slogan, you can However, the zero market research and analysis of the company in early November 1998 on Beijing and Shanghai Su Shen Han five cities 1542 urban residents on a sample survey on the awareness of installments made it clear that do not want to use installments to spend People accounted for more than 50% of the respondents, indicating that those who are willing to pay by installments accounted for only 30% of the total surveyed. Domestic installment has just started, which is more than 30% less?
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新中国成立之后,特别是改革开放以来,中国共产党制定了大量党内法规和规范性文件,初步形成了党内法规制度体系。党内法规和规范性文件不仅是党员的行为规范和党组织的活动规范,对国家的各方面建设也产生了实际影响。特别是建设社会主义法治国家战略的不断推进,进一步完善了党内法规制度体系,不断推动党的规范化、制度化建设,已经成为中国共产党自身建设的重要课题。  1990年,中共中央印发《中国共产党党内法规制定程序
在改革开放中发展和前进的兰考县@杨宪@王武生@闫玮 In the reform and opening up the development and progress of Lankao County Yangxian @ Wang Wusheng @ Yan Wei
塔岭隧道的防排水通过引入“动态防排水”和“分区防水”的工程理念,精心进行隧道防水系统、排水系统的施工,取得了较好的效果。 Waterproofing and drainage prevention of