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认为科技成果转化中的知识共同体是旨在实现科技成果转化的一种社群组织模式。研究科技成果转化过程中构建知识共同体的意义,并在界定科技成果转化中知识共同体概念与内涵的基础上,从知识整合的角度,就知识共同体的构成要素、组织原则和框架模型,提出在科技成果转化中构建知识共同体的策略。 It is considered that the knowledge community in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements is a kind of community organization mode aimed at transforming scientific and technological achievements. This paper studies the significance of constructing knowledge community in the process of transforming scientific and technological achievements, and defines the concept and connotation of knowledge community in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. From the perspective of knowledge integration, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the components, principles and framework models of knowledge community, Strategy of Constructing Knowledge Community in Transformation of Achievements.
2009年元月10日,湖北青于蓝文化传播有限公司、华中师范大学《中学生英语》杂志社与湖北大学《中学语文》杂志社共同举办“激荡2008,激扬2009”迎春联欢会,湖北省 On Januar
20 0 1年 4月 12日 ,四川省质量技术监督局在成都召开大会向获得国家免检产品的企业颁发了免检证书 ,“天华”牌尿素获此殊荣。这是国家技术监督局首次为化肥产品颁发免检证
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教学后记是在长期教学中发展并日臻完善的,它要求教师要勤于总结、勇于探索,及时对反馈信息进行加工并提取有价值的信息,找出最有效的解决办法,以指导今后的教学实践。 The
The Statue of Liberty, as the symbol of America, is located in a free island which lies to the west of Manhattan in New York.