Integral inference method for da/dN-ΔK and P-da/dN-ΔK curves

来源 :航空动力学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq380612428
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The integral inference method for fatigue crack growth(FCG) curve was established based on the two-variance regression theory.The estimates of da/dN-ΔK curve and P-da/dN-ΔK curve with high confidence level and high survival probability were also given.FCG data scatter with stress intensity factor ranges in reality,which limits the group test method's application.The presented method analyzes FCG curve as an integration,thus it can exploit the lengthwise information among the FCG rates corresponding to different stress intensity factor ranges.Therefore,compared with group test method,the presented method can not only save specimens,but also have higher precision in the evaluations of da/dN-ΔK and P-da/dN-ΔK curves. The integral inference method for fatigue crack growth (FCG) curve was established based on the two-variance regression theory. The estimates of da / dN-ΔK curve and P-da / dN-ΔK curve with high confidence level and high survival probability were also given .FCG data scatter with stress intensity factor ranges in reality, which limits the group test method's application. The presented method analyzes FCG curve as an integration, thus it can exploit the lengthwise information among the FCG rates corresponding to different stress intensity factor ranges . Therefore, compared with group test method, the presented method can not only save specimens, but also have higher precision in the evaluations of da / dN-ΔK and P-da / dN-ΔK curves.
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