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各州、市、县人民政府,各地区行政公署,省直各委、办、厅、局: 为全面准确地反映国民经济运行状况,增强国民经济核算在总体框架、基本原则、计算方法上与国际标准的一致性及指标的可比性,国家有关部门对1992年颁布实施的《中国国民经济核算体系(试行方案)》做了重大修订,形成了《中国国民经济核算体系(2002)》,并决定从2003年开始逐步实施。新体系更好地适应了社会主义市场经济条件下宏观管理和对外交流工作的需要,在结构上更加严谨,充分反映了国民经济活动的内在联系;在内容上更加丰富,涵盖了市场经济条件下国民经济运行的主要环节和主要方面;在方法上更加科学,既考虑到需要,又考虑到可能。 State, city and county people’s governments, regional administrative offices and provincial direct committees, offices, offices and bureaus: In order to comprehensively and accurately reflect the operation of the national economy and enhance the national economic accounting in the overall framework, basic principles and methods of calculation, Standard consistency and comparability of indicators, the relevant state departments made major revisions to the “China National Accounts System (the tentative plan)” promulgated in 1992, forming the “National Economic Accounting System of China (2002)” and decided Since 2003, gradually implemented. The new system has been better adapted to the needs of macroeconomic management and foreign exchange and exchanges under the conditions of a socialist market economy. It is more rigorous in structure and fully reflects the intrinsic linkages of national economic activities. It is richer in content and covers market economy The main links and main aspects of the operation of the national economy; the method is more scientific, taking into account the needs, taking into account the possibility.
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从1- 8月份全局统计来看,停钻与事故时间的比重占33%,其中孔内事故时间占16%,机械事故时间占10.31%,折合台月,约合155台钻机一个月没有开动,以目前全局开动50台钻机为准,相当
高血压病是指成人(≥18岁)在安静状态下,动脉收缩压≥140 mm Hg(18.7kPa)和/或舒张压≥90mm Hg(12.0kPa),常伴有脂肪和糖代谢紊乱,以及心、脑、肾和视网膜等器官功能性或器质
定向聚合所用的 Ziegler 型催化剂,包含过渡金属卤化物及Ⅰ、Ⅱ或Ⅲ族金属有机化合物二组份。它们间的反应对定向聚合具有决定性的作用。近年来不少人对此进行了研究,其中研
【比赛时间】8月9日-17日【比赛地点】北京工业大学体育馆【金牌总数】5枚【参赛目标】保3争4 男单男单这枚金牌历来被认为是羽毛球五个单项金牌中最具分量的一枚,各个羽毛