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玉米机收一直是我国农业机械化领域的一个难题,对行、掉棒、啃粒及剥皮等种种问题长期困扰着生产企业和科研人员。多年以来,玉米收获机械化推进缓慢,有机器的原因,有农艺的原因,也有农民的习惯及适应性的问题。尽管难度很大,但我国玉米收获机械化仍在不断地向前推进,到2010年底全国玉米机收水平已经超过25%,而且近年来还呈现出加速发展的趋势。据统计,2010年全国自走式玉米收获机销量突破8000台,保有量达2.5万台,所有类型的玉米收获机总保有量达33万台。到底是什么原因让长期困扰我们的老大难问题得以缓解,技术进步,补贴推动,还是与农艺的结合有了进展?今后几年我国玉米收获机应该朝什么方向发展?为弄清楚这些问题,本刊主编刘振营研究员邀请了行业知名收获机械专家韩增德研究员(中国农业机械化科学研究院首席专家)和曹洪国研究员,针对我国玉米收获机过去的发展、现在遇到的问题及未来的发展途径进行了探讨,以期梳理出一条产品技术发展思路,供生产者、研发者及用户参考。本期主要将专家们对玉米收获机技术难点的探讨,以及对未来玉米收获方式的分析,呈现给读者,供业内人士参考。 Harvest of corn has always been a problem in the field of agricultural mechanization in our country. Various problems such as handling, dropping sticks, eating grains and peeling have long plagued manufacturing enterprises and scientific researchers. Over the years, the mechanization of corn harvest has been slow to advance. The reasons for having machinery, the reasons for agronomy, and the habits and adaptability of farmers have also been raised. Although difficult, the mechanization of corn harvest in China is still continuously moving forward. By the end of 2010, the national corn harvesting level has exceeded 25%, and the trend of accelerating development has also been shown in recent years. According to statistics, in 2010 the national self-propelled corn harvester sales exceeded 8,000 units, holding 25,000 units, all types of corn harvesters total holdings of 330,000 units. In the end what is the reason for long-standing problems that have plagued us for a long time to ease, technological progress, subsidies to promote, or with the progress of agronomic? The next few years, China’s corn harvester should be in what direction? To clarify these issues, the Editor-in-Chief Liu Zhenying researcher Han Zengde researcher (chief expert of China Agricultural Mechanization Research Institute) and researcher Cao Hongguo, the well-known harvesting machinery expert, invited the industry to study the past development, current problems and future development of corn harvester in China , In order to sort out a product technology development ideas for producers, developers and users reference. This issue will be the main experts on the technical difficulties of corn harvester, as well as the future analysis of corn harvest, presented to the reader, for the industry reference.
一、前 言 采用表面处理来提高发动机中工况最苛刻的滑动面—缸套内表面、活塞环及活塞耐磨性的技木,人们曾有过许多尝试,其中不少获得了成功,但随着使用燃烧的变化及考虑燃
苏联1975年的发电量为10350亿度,其中电站部所属的电站发电9700亿度,即占全国总发电量的93.5%。1975年的发电情况:火力发电8850 亿度,占86%;水力发电1300 亿度,占12%;原子能
一、目标和任务 体系是欧美国家在第二次大战后逐步发展起来的一种工业化系统组织的营建方式。它以设计、运输、施工、管理、评价等各方面在内的一套完整的营建方式来保证高