
来源 :上海大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aixuexier
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The available studies in the literature on mathematical modeling of the vacuum circulation (RH) refining process of moltensteel have briefly been reviewed. The latest advances obtained by the author with his research group have been summarized. On thebasis of the mass and momentum balances in the system, a new mathematical model for decarburization and degassing during the RHand RH-KTB refining processes of molten steel was proposed and developed. The refining roles of the three reaction sites, i.e. theup-snorkel zone, the droplet group and steel bath in the vacuum vessel, were considered in the model. It was assumed that the masstransfer of reactive components in the molten steel is the rate control step of the refining reactions. And the friction losses and dragsof flows in the snorkels and vacuum vessel were all counted. The model was applied to the refining of molten steel in a multifunctionRH degasser of 90 t capacity. The decarburization and degassing processes in the degasser under the RH and RH-KTB operating condi-tions were modeled and analyzed using this model. Besides, proceeded from the two-resistance mass transfer theory and the mass bal-ance of sulphur in the system, a kinetic model for the desulphurization by powder injection and blowing in the RH refining of moltensteel was developed. Modeling and predictions of the process of injecting and blowing the lime based powder flux under assumed oper-ating modes with the different initial contents of sulphur and amounts of powder injected and blown in a RH degasser of 300 t capacitywere carried out using the model. It was demonstrated that for the RH and RH-KTB refining processes, and the desulphurization bypowder injection and blowing in the RH refining, the results predicted by the models were all in good agreement respectively with datafrom industrial experiments and practice. These models may be expected to offer some useful information and a reliable basis for de-termining and optimizing the technologies of the RH and RH-KTB refining and desulphurization by powder injection and blowing in theRH refining and for controlling the processes.
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摘要:祁剧包含着浓郁的湖南地域文化与民俗文化特色,在唱腔方面具有非常独特的艺术表现,是国家级非物质文化遗产,也是值得进行广泛传播和永久传承的优秀艺术种类。因此,在当前我国大力倡导保護中华民族传统文化、实现文化传承的全新要求之下,更要重视对湖南祁剧的研究,要把握其独特的唱腔风格,并在此基础之上提出对其进行传承和发展的方法,让我国的传统文化在当代仍旧焕发勃勃生机。  关键词:祁剧 唱腔风格 传承  祁
摘要:演员和角色是一种对立统一关系,在戏剧的表达中这两种关系互相影响。角色扮演的过程是演员不断克服矛盾来实现自身性格和角色性格统一的过程。本文将从演员和角色的角度出发,就演员和角色二者的对立统一关系问题进行探究,旨在向人们更好地展现戏剧艺术的魅力,将我国戏曲艺术发扬光大。  关键词:演员 角色 塑造 共生关系  锡剧是无锡地域文化艺术的特色品牌。作为非物质文化遗产项目,锡剧随着时代的发展也在不断前
摘要:雄安新区被誉为戏曲、曲艺之乡,老调、河北梆子、评剧、京剧、昆曲、容城高腔以及木板大鼓、西河大鼓、评书、莲花落子、竹板书、快板书等曲艺形式均有流传,其中尤以老调、河北梆子和西河大鼓最为兴盛。本文主要对在雄安新区影响较大、流布较广,至今依然活态传承的老调、河北梆子、评剧以及西河大鼓等艺术形式进行论述,以期厘清历史脉络,为摸清雄安新区地方戏曲暨西河大鼓奠定基础。  关键词:雄安新区 地方戏曲 西河
摘要:蒙克是表现主义的代表画家,他一生作品数量颇多,主要是对人类生命、死亡、爱情和情感的表现,他是表现心灵的现实主义画家。本文将通过对蒙克作品《生命之舞》的赏析分析蒙克在美术表现和绘画治疗中的影响和意义。  关键词:表现主义 蒙克 《生命之舞》 赏析  在中西方美术史上有很多优秀和经典的美术作品,蒙克(1863—1944)是表现主义的代表画家,他的作品在自我情绪的表达方面具有重要意义。  蒙克的经
摘要:《牡丹亭》是明代戏剧家汤显祖的作品,作品围绕杜丽娘和柳梦梅的爱情故事展开,揭露了封建礼教和青年男女爱情生活的矛盾冲突,热情讴歌了青年男女追求幸福的斗争精神。在昆曲《牡丹亭》中,杜丽娘是戏曲艺术中情的化身,深受人们的关注。本文将针对昆曲《牡丹亭》中的曲目《游园惊梦》中杜丽娘角色的演绎问题进行探究。  关键词:昆曲 《牡丹亭》 杜丽娘 角色分析  锡剧抒情优美的声腔旋律和昆曲典雅唯美的形体表演有
摘要:回族舞蹈语言与回族人民的宗教信仰、风俗习惯、生活环境、服饰文化等紧密相连,形成了独具特色的舞蹈语言风格,同时也与其他民族舞蹈语言形成了鲜明的对比。  关键词:宁夏地区 回族舞蹈 风格 特征  一、宁夏地区典型的回族舞蹈风格组合  (一)宴席曲  宴席曲是通常出现在回族喜庆场合的一种民歌形式。它有固定的舞蹈动作,随着歌曲的随时更换,男女表演者边唱边跳遥相呼应。舞蹈动作简单大方,舞姿美而不俗,步
摘要:中华民国时期的女画家潘玉良一生命运坎坷,但命运的不公正是她艺术创作的灵感来源。她独特的女性绘画视角以及中西方融合的绘画思维,使她的女人体绘画开启了中国女性意识的大门。  关键词:潘玉良 女人体绘画 女性  潘玉良原名陈秀清,1895年出生于江苏扬州,儿时父母双亡,寄养在舅舅家中,命运已是不尽如人意。14岁时,舅舅将她贩卖,她不幸沦落风尘,任人欺凌。直到遇见丈夫潘赞化,后来她嫁与潘赞化为二房,