
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lala_
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Background: Diabetic foot ulcers with exposed bones commonly result in amputation. Objectives: To determine whether exposure of bone marrow cells and subsequent grafting of epi dermal sheets accelerates healing and reduces the need for amputation. Methods: Thirty-eight patients with chronic wounds caused by diabetes mellitus were enrolled in this study. Epidermal sheets obtained from suction blisters of each patient were grafted on to diabetic foot ulcers without exposed bones (n=10) and were compared with the standard treatment of local wound care, debridement with a scalpel when indicated, bed rest and parenteral antibiotics (n=8). In another group of patients, diabetic wounds with exposed bones were treated either with the standard procedure (n=9) or with a newly developed experimental procedure(n=11). In that newprocedure, the affected bone was initially exposed by debridementwith a scalpel, followed by partial excision with a bone scraper until fresh bleeding was observed from the exposed bone. The lesions were then immediately covered with an occlusive dressing, and finally the wound was covered with an epidermal graft of skin harvested from suction blisters. Patients in each group were matchedwith their counterparts by age, sex, wound size, wound infection and wound duration, to compare the time needed for total skin repair and rates of amputation. Results: Epidermal grafting significantly accelerated the healing of diabetic foot ulcers (P=0.042) without exposed bones, with site-specific differentiation. The newly developed combination therapy resulted in the healing of all diabetic ulcers with exposed bones without the occurrence of osteomyelitis or the necessity for amputation (P < 0.0001). Conclusions: Our study indicates that early aggressive debridement of diabetic foot ulcers with exposed bones down to a bleeding vascularized base and then grafting epidermal sheets significantly improves healing and reduces the rate of amputation. Background: Diabetic foot ulcers with exposed bones commonly result in amputation. Objectives: To determine whether exposure of bone marrow cells and subsequent grafting of epi dermal sheets accelerates healing and reduces the need for amputation. Methods: Thirty-eight patients with chronic wounds caused by Diabetes mellitus were enrolled in this study. Epidermal sheets obtained from suction blisters of each patient were grafted on to diabetic foot ulcers without exposed bones (n = 10) and were compared with the standard treatment of local wound care, debridement with a scalpel when indicated In another group of patients, diabetic wounds with exposed bones were treated either with the standard procedure (n = 9) or with a newly developed experimental procedure (n = 11). In that newprocedure, the affected bone was initially exposed by debridementwith a scalpel, followed by partial excision with a bone scraper until fresh bleeding was observed from the The lesions were then immediately covered with an occlusive dressing, and finally the wound was covered with an epidermal graft of skin harvested from suction blisters. Patients in each group were matchedwith their counterparts by age, sex, wound size, wound infection and Results: Epidermal grafting significantly accelerated the healing of diabetic foot ulcers (P = 0.042) without exposed bones, with site-specific differentiation. The newly operated combination therapy: resulted in in the healing of all diabetic ulcers with exposed bones without the occurrence of osteomyelitis or the necessity for amputation (P <0.0001). Conclusions: Our study indicates that early aggressive debridement of diabetic foot ulcers with exposed bones down to a bleeding vascularized base and then grafting epidermal sheet significantly improves healing and reduces the rate of amputation.
目的探讨特发性间质性肺炎(idiopathic interstitial pneumonia,IIPs)患者的小气道功能改变。方法收集1999年1月至2007年2月北京朝阳医院住院确诊为IIPs的患者159例。特发性
It is possible that dietary, environmental factors and/or genetic polymorphism s in xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes may contribute to the development of Behce t
日记,是心灵的窗口,灵魂的寓所,青春的阳台,是一个人享用不尽的精神财富。写日记,是在记录成长的履痕,反思自己的行为,倾诉心中的秘密。  写日记,其实并不难。著名作家肖复兴的儿子肖铁5岁就开始写日记,每天仅写一两句话。如:今天我和妈妈坐火车,来到济南。今天,我画了一张水彩画,有大树、小草和太阳。今天我犯了三个错误:骂人、打人和扔东西。以后越写越长,达到几百字、上千字,也不再用“今天”开头了。15岁时
英国摄影师卡尔·华纳以糖果、饼干、蔬菜、水果为材料,精心创造了一个个美轮美奂的场景。这些富有创意的美食风景照,将带领我们进入既梦幻又美味的童话世界。  不管是棉花糖、棒棒糖,还是水果软糖,我只想扑进这个粉红色的甜蜜小镇。  当一缕缕阳光透进黄瓜森林,当你看见生菜草地和小桥流水的时候,有没有闻到蔬菜的清香?  樱桃热气球、花椰菜大树、芹菜树叶、培根字典、饼干房子……食物可以把这一切做得惟妙惟肖。  