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在21世纪桥梁发展论坛上,中国工程院院士、我国著名的桥梁与结构专家、同济大学的项海帆教授对中国桥梁发展过程进行了的描述。从古代桥梁的辉煌到封建体制下桥梁建设的沉寂,从鸦片战争列强们为掠夺中国资源修建的铁路、公路桥到1937年由中国人自己修建的第一座大桥——钱塘江大桥的落成,从孙中山先生在“建国大纲”中的桥梁规划因军阀混战而搁置的历史到新中国桥梁事业的蓬勃兴起,从借用苏联专家人才匮乏的50年代中国桥梁建设到60年代资源匮乏时期桥梁建设状况,从70年代攻克的软土地基上的轻型钢筋混凝土拱桥技术到80年代斜拉桥大发展,再到90年代的悬索桥,项海帆教授为我们展示了波澜壮阔的桥梁建设画卷,倾倒无数中外专家。 At the 21st Century Bridge Development Forum, academicians from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the famous bridge and structure expert in our country, and Professor Xiang Hai-fan from Tongji University described the process of bridge development in China. From the glory of ancient bridges to the silence of bridge construction under the feudal system, the railway built by the Opium War powers for plundering China’s resources and the construction of the Qiantang River Bridge, the first bridge built by the Chinese themselves in 1937, From the history of Sun Yat-sen’s “bridge in the founding of an Outline” to the planning of the bridge of new China due to war-torn scarcity, from the bridge construction in China in the 1950s to the bridge construction in the 1960s when resources were scarce From the light-weight concrete arch bridge technology on the soft soil foundation that was conquered in the 1970s to the great development of the cable-stayed bridge in the 1980s and the suspension bridge in the 1990s, Professor Xianghai Fan showed us the magnificent picture of the bridge construction and poured countless Chinese and foreign expert.
1995年的金秋时节,我慕名来到北戴河,参加了中华禅易功第五届培训班,受到了一次洗礼。 In the autumn of 1995, I especially came to Beidaihe and took part in the fifth t
本综合征由 Hallermann 在1948年首先描述,Streiff Francois 于1950、1958年相继报告,尤其是 Francois 收集了国际上和自己的病历作了较全面的论述,指出本征是以先天性白内