
来源 :法律文献信息与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jieswh
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国家教委文科文献信息中心是国家教委为加强文科文献信息资源整体建设,提高全国高校文献信息保障能力,促进文科重点学科建设而设立的网络化服务机构。文科教育是社会主义教育事业不可缺少的组成部分,发展社会主义市场经济、建设社会主义现代化国家也迫切需要高层次的文科人才。办好高等教育,一要有高水平的师资队伍,二要有先进的仪器设备和齐备的图书资料。对文科教育来说,图书资尤为重要。进入八十年代以来,书刊价格连年暴涨。尽管国家下拨的购书经费逐年增加,但远远赶不上书刊价格的增长。经费短缺造成的图书资料的严重不足是长期困扰高等院标准化教学和科学研究的难题之一。此与 The State Education Commission of the liberal arts literature and information center is a network of service agencies set up by the State Education Commission to strengthen the overall construction of the liberal arts literature and information resources, improve the national university literature and information security capabilities, and promote the construction of liberal arts disciplines. The liberal arts education is an indispensable part of the socialist education. The development of the socialist market economy and the building of a modern socialist country also urgently require high-level liberal arts personnel. To run higher education, one must have a high level of teaching staff, two have advanced equipment and complete books and information. For liberal arts education, library books are especially important. Since entering the eighties, book prices skyrocketed year after year. Although the national appropriation of appropriation increases year by year, it is far behind the growth of book prices. The serious shortage of books and materials caused by the shortage of funds is one of the problems that long plagued the standardized teaching and scientific research of the colleges and universities. This and
一、先天性甲状腺机能低下症(克汀病)的普查据 Klein 氏等指出,虽然本病是由于先天性甲状腺激素缺乏引起的特有的身体发育障碍及不可逆性智能低下的悲剧性疾病,但如果在出生
1984年作者在本县发现1例指掌部份缺失伴多指节畸形的患者,当即进行了家系调查,共追溯三代,12人中患者4人(图1),现报告于下。先证者(Ⅱ_5) 女,25岁,双手先天性对称性食、中
Sjogren综合征是一种较少见的多器官受累的全身性疾病,常同结缔组织病或其他自身免疫病并发,易造成误诊。报告4例如下。 SJGREN综合征的眼部表现 例1:女43岁,因双眼发红干燥
简述了情报信息在“科技兴市”中的重要作用及大同市情报信息工作的现状,并就大同市“科技兴市”中科技情报系统的建设提出了几点设想与建议。 Briefly described the import