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本文着重介绍了金银花的整形和修剪技术,实践证明,合理的修剪是提高金银花产量的重要措施,一般可增产30—40%。金银花又名银花、双花、二花,为忍冬科植物忍冬(Lonicera japonica Thund)。其花蕾入药,有清热解毒、杀菌消炎的作用;其藤亦入药,称忍冬藤。金银花为我省大宗中药材之一,多系人工栽培,主产于临沂、济宁等地,各山区均有野生分布。目前,金银花的产量较低,其中主要原因之一是不修剪,任其生长;或者是传统的生产习惯,每年冬天用镰刀将树梢削去一部分。这样,致使金银花的树体结构失调,表现在(1)花墩内膛郁闭,通风透光不良,各类枝组自下而上,自里而外,逐年枯死,开花部位外移,形成球面开花,而不能立体开花。(2)外围组织密集,枝条紊乱,互相缠绕,排挤、竞争,形成冠内光照,造成了外围枝和内膛枝之间的矛盾。(3)树冠郁闭,病虫害多,产量低,质量差。(如图1)针对这些问题,我们做了金银花的整形和修剪方法试验。 This article focuses on the plastic and pruning techniques of honeysuckle. Practice has proved that a reasonable pruning is an important measure to increase the yield of honeysuckle, generally increasing production by 30-40%. Honeysuckle, also known as silver flower, double flower, two flowers, is the honeysuckle family honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica Thund). The buds are used as medicines, which have the function of clearing heat and detoxifying, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory; the rattan is also used as a medicine, which is called cane vine. Honeysuckle is one of the major Chinese herbal medicines in our province. It is mostly cultivated artificially. It is mainly produced in Linyi and Jining, and is distributed wildly in each mountainous region. At present, the yield of honeysuckle is relatively low, and one of the main reasons is that it does not prune or allow it to grow; or it is a traditional production practice that uses a guillotine knife to cut off part of the treetop each winter. As a result, the tree structure of honeysuckle is disordered, which manifests itself in: (1) Inflorescences inside the flower piers are closed, ventilation and light transmission are poor, all kinds of branches from the bottom up, from the inside out, year by year die, flowering parts move outward, forming Spherical flowering, but not three-dimensional flowering. (2) Peripheral tissue is dense, branches are disordered, intertwined with each other, crowded out and competed to form intracoronal light, causing contradiction between peripheral branches and internal litchi. (3) Canopy closure, many diseases and insect pests, low yield, and poor quality. (Figure 1) In response to these problems, we made tests of plastic and pruning methods for honeysuckle.
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