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China’s communications industry is an important part of the electronic information industry, and plays a significant role in the national informatization process. In 2006, China issued its National Plans for Medium and Long-term Development of Science and Technology (2006-2020) (NPMLDST). Since 2006, there has been a rapid increase in the number of citations of China’s international papers in the field of communications. In accordance with the goals listed in the NPMLDST, China needs to overtake several competitors by 2020 to be among the top five countries in the field of natural science field. By comparing two Essential Science Indicators (ESI) (i.e., the total number of citations and the number of citations per paper) for China and other countries, China’s annual growth rate is found to exceed that of other influential countries in the field of science and technology, and exhibits evident growth-type characteristics. Besides, our study also shows that the shortage of high-quality academic papers in China is the main obstacle to improving the impact of China’s academic publications. China’s communications industry is an important part of the electronic information industry, and plays a significant role in the national informatization process. In 2006, China issued its National Plans for Medium and Long-term Development of Science and Technology (2006-2020) (NPMLDST Since 2006, there has been been a rapid increase in the number of citations of China’s international papers in the field of communications. In accordance with the goals listed in the NPMLDST, China needs to overtake several competitors by 2020 to be among the top five countries in the field of natural science field. By comparing two Essential Science Indicators (ESI) (ie, the total number of citations and the number of citations per paper) for China and other countries, China’s annual growth rate is found to exceed that of other influential countries in the field of science and technology, and exhibits evident growth-type characteristics. Besides, our study also shows the shortage of high-quality ac ademic papers in China is the main obstacle to improving the impact of China’s academic publications.
1984年4月开始,贵州省赤水县境内的箐竹(Oreocalamus utils Keng又名金佛山方竹)大面积开花死亡,面积达二万余亩。现将该竹开花结实和更新情况调查观察的结果作一简介。一、
<正> 外语教学与研究出版社1988年出版的吴伟仁著A History and Anthology of EnglishLiterature(下称HAEL),在国内外语系科文学史和文学选读教材建设中,是融选于史、以史带选的开创性尝试。为史、选两门课程合并设课摸索出了一条新的路子。