
来源 :广东职业技术教育与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwertyuiopgfdsa
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国家和各级政府对职业教育的重视,给职业教育带来新的发展时机。但随着高校的扩招,社会对职业教育的偏见,形成职校学生的整体素质低下,基础文化知识差,数学基础知识尤为薄弱。为了更好地发挥中等职业学校数学教育的功能,必须更新教育观念,合理安排教学内容,发掘学生的非智力因素,积极探索有效的教学策略和措施,提高中等职业学校数学教学的实效性。 The emphasis placed by the state and governments at all levels on vocational education has brought new opportunities for the development of vocational education. However, with the expansion of college enrollment and social prejudice against vocational education, the overall quality of vocational school students is low, the basic cultural knowledge is poor, and the basic knowledge of mathematics is particularly weak. In order to give full play to the function of mathematics education in secondary vocational schools, we must update the concepts of education, arrange the teaching content rationally, explore the non-intelligence factors of students, actively explore effective teaching strategies and measures, and improve the effectiveness of mathematics teaching in secondary vocational schools.
在一个寒冷的冬天,狼抓住了一只受伤的羊。“这回终于可以吃到羊肉啦!”狼兴奋地拖着羊往家走。“救命呀!”羊绝望地哀鸣着。可没有谁来救他。 In a cold winter, the wolf
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在小街的那一头,有一道矮矮的、爬满绿蔷薇的墙,墙的那边只能看见灰色的屋顶。就是这道墙,把墙里和墙外分隔成了两个世界。 At the other end of the street, there was a s
玫瑰花和她的影子玫瑰花生长在小河边。当她低头俯视时,就在小河里看到了自己美丽的影子:鲜艳的面容,娇嫩的皮肤,婀娜的身姿。她十分得意。 Rose flower and her shadow ros
这节是班主任王老师的课,他走进教室的时候,身后还跟着个小女孩。小女孩细高个儿,留着马尾辫,圆圆的脸蛋上有一道淡淡的疤痕。 This section is the class teacher Wang’s
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从前,有一位才华横溢、技艺精湛的年轻画家,早年在巴黎闯荡时却默默无闻、一贫如洗。他的画一张都卖不出去,原因是巴黎画店的老板只寄卖名人画家的作 Once upon a time, the