A Method to Defend File-Attacking

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hellring
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The paper points out that the deep reason why modern computer system fails to defense malware lies in that user has no right to control the access of information, and proposes an explicit authorization mechanism. Its basic idea is that user explicitly authorizes program the file set it can access, and monitor all file access operations; once program requests to access file out of the authorized file set, refuse it, and this means that the program is malicious or has design errors. Computers based on this novel mechanism can protect information from attacking reliably, and have good software and hardware compatibility. A testing system is presented to validate our theory. The paper points out that the deep reason why modern computer system fails to defense malware lies in that user has no right to control the access of information, and proposes an explicit authorization mechanism. Its basic idea is that user explicitly authorizes program the file set it can access, and monitor all file access operations; once program requests to access file out of the authorized file set, refuse it, and this means that the program is malicious or has design errors. Computers based on this novel mechanism can protect information from attacking reliably, and have good software and hardware compatibility. A testing system is presented to validate our theory.
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王羲之在三月初三上巳(sì)节时,邀请好友到绍兴兰亭过节。众人饮酒赋诗,赏曲水流觞。随后大家请王羲之汇集诗文成册,并且写了序文来记述这一盛事,这篇序文就是《兰亭序》。  《兰亭序》写好后,王羲之又拿出来欣赏,发觉不是很满意,就重写了好几十遍。经过比较,最后还是感觉第一幅好,也就留了下来。后来《兰亭序》传到了辩才和尚手里,那时《兰亭序》已经辗转了200多年。  唐太宗李世民特别喜爱王羲之的书法,他下