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本文提出了一种用链条作为悬挂元件的悬挂共振法,并对其一般规律进行了探讨。本方法适用于对较宽重量范围的试样在高温下进行杨氏模量的测试。试验表明:采用本方法,在高温下近节点悬挂就足以激发接收到试样的共振讯号,因而避免了由于端点悬挂所带来的共振频率测量的误差。同时因为悬链较粗且柔软,使试样安装容易,成功率较高。由于炉温所限,试验仅作到2200℃。 In this paper, a hanging suspension method using the chain as a suspension element, and its general law were discussed. This method is suitable for the test of the Young’s modulus of a wide range of weight samples at high temperatures. Experiments show that using this method, the near-node suspension at high temperature is sufficient to excite the resonance signal of the received sample, thereby avoiding the error of the resonance frequency measurement caused by the end-point suspension. At the same time because the catenary thicker and softer, the sample is easy to install, the success rate is high. Due to the limited furnace temperature, the test only made 2200 ℃.
The paper deals with the relatively weak permeable layer in a layered structure of a slope rock mass and itseffect on groundwater behaviour in the rock mass. W
心灵世界的丰富与外溢,将使您成为“永不凋谢的玫瑰”。 The richness and spillover of the spiritual world will make you a “rose that never dies”.
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患者男性,85岁,反复胸闷心慌1年余入院。查体:脉搏70次/min,血压120/70mm Hg(1mm Hg=0.133kPa)。心界不大,未闻及杂音,可闻及早搏3~4次/min。彩色超声心动图示:(1)左室心肌运