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氮素利用率低是我国目前农业生产中存在的一个普遍问题,而应用高效氮肥品种,则是从根本上提高氮素利用率的最有效的方法。采用缓释技术的涂层尿素兼有高效、长效、多效的特点,在提高氮素利用率上开辟了一条新路。本文以涂层尿素应用技术研究中获得的翔实数据和资料,分别论述了施用方法、肥效及综合旱作农业技术模式试验的实施与结果。施用涂层尿素300kg/hm2与等氮量的普通尿素相比,增产玉米808kg/hm2,增产率为171%,提高氮素利用率2071%。涂层尿素具有促进生长,明显提高氮素利用率和增产增收的作用。施用方法视土壤质地而定,质地较轻的土壤不可一次性基施,追施效果较好;质地较为粘重的土壤可以一次性基肥深施覆土;而综合旱作农业技术模式省工、省力,成本低、效益高,符合产业化、集约化现代农业的发展趋势。 The low utilization rate of nitrogen is a common problem existing in agricultural production in our country at present, and the application of highly efficient nitrogenous fertilizer is the most effective method to basically improve the nitrogen utilization rate. The coated urea with sustained release technology has the characteristics of high efficiency, long-lasting and multi-effect, opening up a new road for improving nitrogen utilization. In this paper, the application of urea-coated technology to obtain informative data and information, respectively, discusses the application method, fertilizer efficiency and comprehensive dry farming technology model test implementation and results. The application of coated urea 300kg / hm2 compared with the normal urea with the same amount of nitrogen increased the yield of maize by 808kg / hm2, the increase rate was 171% and the nitrogen utilization rate was increased by 2071%. Coated urea has to promote growth, significantly improve nitrogen utilization and increase income. The application method depends on the soil texture, and the soil with light texture can not be applied once and the top dressing effect is better. The soil with a relatively sticky texture can be covered with soil once and for all; and the comprehensive agricultural technology mode saves labor and labor , Low cost, high efficiency, in line with industrialization, intensive development trend of modern agriculture.
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