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不久以前,我們在檢查西安市部分中、小学的工作中,發現普遍存在着忙乱現象,严重地影响了教学工作,最近在全省先进教育工作者代表会議上,又了解到各地学校中也都存在着忙乱現象。为了克服学校中的忙乱現象,文教部召开了教育厅、团省委、教育工会、西安市委宣傳部以及西安几个中学、师范和小举负责干部座談会,进行討論和研究,現將我們了解的忙乱情况和今后改正的意見写出来,供同志們参考。目前学校工作忙乱主要有以下几方面: 1.不少机关单位直接向学校布置工作。如西安市邮局在中、小学校设报刊推广站,每个班級設推广員,并規定了会議、报告、評獎、处分等制度。西安市公安局在突施新交通規則时,学校中已經用各种方式向全体师生作了宣傳,但公安局还先后派干部到西安女中与校反、付校長、总务主任談了十多次話,批評学校沒有建立起經常制度。其他如貿易公司、新华書 Not long ago, when we examined the work of primary and secondary schools in parts of Xi’an, we found widespread hectic phenomena and seriously affected the teaching work. Recently, at the meeting of representatives of advanced educators in the province, we also learned that all schools There is a hectic phenomenon. In order to overcome the hectic phenomenon in the school, the Ministry of Education and Education held the Department of Education, the Communist Youth League, the Education Union, the Propaganda Department of Xi’an Municipal Party Committee and several middle schools in Xi’an to train and hold seminars for responsible cadres and conduct discussion and research. Now we know The hectic situation and the future correction of written comments for comrades reference. At present, there are mainly the following aspects of school work: 1. Many institutional units arrange work directly to the school. Such as the Xi’an Post Office in primary and secondary schools set up newspaper promotion stations, each class set up promoters, and provides for meetings, reports, awards, punishments and other systems. Public Security Bureau of Xi’an Public Security Bureau in the sudden application of new traffic rules, the school has been made in various ways to all teachers and students made publicity, but the police station has also sent cadres to Xi’an and the school against the school principals, general director talked about ten Many times, criticized the school did not establish a regular system. Others such as trading company, Xinhua Book
狐狸先生山谷上方的小山上有一片树林。树林里有一棵大树。树下面有一个洞。洞里边住着狐狸先生、狐狸太太,还有他们的四只小狐狸。每天晚上天一黑,狐狸先生就会对 There is