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阿比让专电 非洲国家的沉重的外债,严重地制约着非洲经济的发展。非洲的债务问题不解决,整个非洲大陆的经济难于恢复和持久振兴。彻底地解决非洲的债务问题,已成为非洲国家的一致呼声。 据非洲开发银行的最新消息,1993年底,非洲国家(不含南非)的外债已达2854.3亿美元,比1992年增加66.8亿美元,比1989年增加192.8亿美元,是1980年的外债数额的2倍多。目前平均每个非洲人约欠450美元的外债。1993年非洲当年偿还的外债占其当年商品和劳务出口总额的24.6%。 从非洲外债的构成来看,长期贷款占外债总额的84%,短期贷款占13.2%,国际货币基金组织的专项贷款占2.8%。 从地区来看,撒哈拉以南非洲国家的债务最为沉重,10年内,这一地区债务已增长了3倍多。非洲最大债务国尼日利亚欠外债345亿美元,超过其年国内生产总值(341亿美元);非洲第二大债务国科特迪瓦欠外债188亿美元,是其年国内生产总值的2.6倍;其次是苏丹欠外债159亿美元,扎伊尔欠外债107亿美元,均大大超过其年国内生产总值。 Abidjan’s heavy foreign debt in African countries has seriously hampered the economic development of Africa. The debt problems in Africa are not resolved. The economy of the entire African continent is difficult to resume and its lasting rejuvenation. To thoroughly solve the debt problem in Africa has become the unanimous voice of African countries. According to the latest news of the African Development Bank, by the end of 1993, the foreign debt of African countries (excluding South Africa) had reached 285.43 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 6.68 billion U.S. dollars over 1992 and an increase of 19.28 billion U.S. dollars over 1989, representing 2 of the foreign debt of 1980 More times. Currently, on average, each African owes about $ 450 in foreign debt. In 1993, the foreign debt repayed by Africa in that year accounted for 24.6% of the total export of goods and services in that year. Judging from the composition of Africa’s foreign debt, long-term loans account for 84% of the total foreign debt, short-term loans account for 13.2% and International Monetary Fund’s special loans account for 2.8%. Regionally, sub-Saharan African countries are the most heavily indebted countries, with debt in the region more than tripling in 10 years. Nigeria, the largest debtor country in Africa, owed a total debt of $ 34.5 billion to Nigeria over its annual gross domestic product ($ 34.1 billion); C 迪 e d’Ivoire, Africa’s second-largest debtor, owed $ 18.8 billion of foreign debt, 2.6 times its annual gross domestic product Sudan owed 15.9 billion U.S. dollars in foreign debt and Zaire owed 10.7 billion U.S. dollars in foreign debt, all exceeding their annual gross domestic product.
在江苏如皋地区玉米纹枯病(Rhizoctonia solani Kühn AGl-IA群)主要发生在玉米籽粒形成至灌浆期,蔓延盛期在6月下旬—7月上旬。阴雨高湿是流行的主导因子。病害发生程度与产
1198-1989年5、10月,我们与有关高等院校、科研生产单位协作,用我国生产的6种生物农药,防治甘蓝、花椰菜上的青虫,并与速灭杀丁对照,进行了田间药效筛选试验,结果如下: 119
双斑潜叶跳甲 Argopistes biplagiatus Motschulsky 属鞘翅目、叶甲科、跳甲亚科。国外分布于日本;苏联的西伯利亚及越南北部;国内分布于黑龙江、辽宁、河北、甘肃、广西、四
桑天牛(Apriona germari Hope)又名褐天牛,俗称凿木虫、哈虫,是我地为害苹果树的天牛优势种。其幼虫蛀害枝干后,植株生长不良,树势衰弱,果品产量低、品质差,如遇大风易折断,