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爱车开了几年,许多车主的发动机保养做过不少,但却没有清理过它,看着眼前灰头土脸的发动机舱,你是否有一种将它完全清理干净的冲动呢?必备工具纯棉且吸水性好的抹布、刷子(废弃的牙刷,或者以前扫床用的大刷子)、水桶、清水。清理步骤首先,在清理前一定要确保发动机及电源处于关闭状态。另外,如果发动机之前处于工作状态,那么一定要待其静置降温后再清理,以免烫伤自己。 Car for a few years, many owners have done a lot of engine maintenance, but did not clean it, looked depressed front of the engine compartment, do you have a completely clean it to impulse it? Essential tool for cotton And good absorbent rags, brushes (discarded toothbrush, or a large brush used to sweep the bed before), buckets, water. First, make sure the engine and power are off before cleaning. In addition, if the engine is in working condition before, it must be left to cool down after standing to avoid scalding.
患者女,29岁,已婚1年半,无避孕措施,月经规则,从未生育,孕0产0,过去史无特殊.停经63 d就诊,尿液妊娠试验阳性,未出现不适.阴道实时超声检查子宫内未见孕囊,子宫内膜厚约8 mm,探及右卵巢旁21 mm混合性块物,多普勒提示周围血流较丰富,疑为"右输卵管妊娠",收治住院.间隔48 h后,化验血清β-人绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-hCG),由2150 IU/L上升到2980 IU/L,孕酮15 ng
OBJECTIVE: To assess risk factors for legal induced abortion related deaths. METHODS: This is a descriptive epidemiologic study of women dying of complications
OBJECTIVE: Elevated counts of nucleated red blood cells (NRBCs), as well as prolongation of pregnancy, have been suggested as predictors of adverse perinatal ou
A catalyst- and solvent-free protocol for the synthesis of 7-azagramine analogues is described via a three-component Mannich type reaction between 7-azaindole,
探讨葡萄糖耐量受损 (IGT)病人口服葡萄糖耐量试验 (OGTT)时胰岛素的反应与残余脂蛋白 (RLP)浓度的关系。对象与方法  2 0 0例IGT者中 160例行OGTT ,符合美国糖尿病协会的诊断标准 ,符合试验
A peptide nucleic acid(PNA)-peptide conjugated molecule, T′_3(AKAE)_2, was designed to have both a PNA segment for oligonucleotide binding and an ionic self-co
1 病例资料 男,80岁。因左眼球发红2天就诊。有丙种球蛋白过敏史。查体:体温36.6℃,脉搏74/min,血压150/70 mmHg,余无阳性体征。拟诊为病毒性结膜炎。于入院当日上午10时,给