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过去的一年,面对全国乃至全球经济明显下滑的严峻宏观经济环境、龙江河突发环境事件、国家实施建设项目环评限批和红水河上游连续三年严重干旱等各种罕见的困难和挑战,在自治区党委、政府的正确领导下,我市坚持以科学发展观为统领,牢牢把握主题主线,以坚定毅力和奋发精神,沉着应对特殊困难,科学驾驭工作全局,以“稳中求进,上档进位”为总基调,坚定在“力”字上下功夫,努力在“新”字上见成效,深入实施环境倒逼机制,狠抓产业增量提质、民生保障提升、开发扶贫攻坚、城乡新貌新风、执行力提升 In the past year, in the face of the severe macro-economic environment with a marked decline in the national and even global economy, various rare difficulties such as the sudden environmental incidents in the Longjiang River, the environmental impact assessment approved by the State implementation project and the serious drought in the upper reaches of the Red River for three consecutive years, Challenge, under the correct leadership of the party committees and governments in the autonomous region, the city adheres to the scientific concept of development as the guide, firmly grasp the theme of the theme, persevere with perseverance and initiative, deal with special difficulties calmly, scientifically control the overall situation of the work, Strive to make progress in the “new” word, deepen the implementation of the environment forcing mechanism, pay close attention to the incremental quality of the industry, Improve people’s livelihood security, poverty alleviation and development of urban and rural areas, new look new urban and rural areas, the implementation of enhancements
我院从2000年开始使用丙泊酚和芬太尼行无痛人工流产 ,临床效果满意。现报道如下 :1对象和方法1 1选用自愿做无痛人工流产的妊娠妇女16例。年龄22~35岁 ,ASA为Ⅰ~Ⅱ级。术前禁食 ,肌注阿托品0 5mg。
为观察大隆粉剂采用水剂配制毒饵的灭鼠效果,我们于2000年5月在辖区的窗口单位、特殊行业、居民区进行了灭效观察1 材料与方法1.1 材料:0.5%大隆母粉,由上海市农药研究所泰和
A flexible approach to ethyl (3R, 4S)-N-Boc-4-amino-3-hy-droxy-5-phenylpentanoate (N-Boc-AHPPA-OEt), the γ-ammino-β-hydroxy acid moiety of hapalosin is descr