庭院小温室 经济效益高

来源 :农业科学实验 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hfutnyd
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随着庭院经济的开发,城镇郊区很多家庭在庭院建筑了日照小温室。大的百平方米,小的也有三五十平方米。秋冬种植芹菜或蒜苗,早春栽植黄瓜等。管理较好的,每平方米一茬可产芹菜12.5公斤、蒜苗17.5公斤、黄瓜10多公斤。一年两三茬,每平方米都能收获25公斤多蔬菜,收入20—30元。一分地(66平方米)的小温室,扣除生产成本(包括温室折旧),净收入可达1千多元.日照小温室是以木土结构坡式屋架和农用塑料薄膜为建筑材料,利用自然光照取暖,夜间覆盖棉被 With the development of the courtyard economy, many families on the outskirts of town have built a small greenhouse of sunshine in the courtyard. Large 100 square meters, there are small three or five square meters. Autumn and winter planting celery or garlic, cucumber and other early spring planting. Good management, crop per square meter can yield 12.5 kg celery, garlic 17.5 kg, cucumber more than 10 kg. Two or three crops a year, every square meter can harvest 25 kilograms of vegetables, income 20-30 yuan. A small (66 square meters) small greenhouse, net of production costs (including greenhouse depreciation), the net income of up to 1 thousand yuan Rizhao small greenhouse is a wooden structure sloping roof truss and agricultural plastic film as building materials, the use of Natural light to keep warm at night covered quilts
1941年,陈寅恪应邀前往欧洲讲学,途经香港,遭遇太平洋战事。日军占领香港后,陈寅恪困居香港,无任何经济来源,全家生活困顿不堪。尽管如此,困居香港的陈寅恪宁死不受日方救济,坚决拒绝与敌伪合作。  1941年旧历年年底,食物奇缺,有人送来整袋粮食,因来路不明,陈寅恪拒收。作为中国文史学界的泰斗,陈寅恪自然也受到日本许多著名历史学者推崇。日本人有意请陈寅恪到沦陷的上海或广州任教,并强付40万港元给陈寅
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