第一部分 世界“信息高速公路”计划宏观分析

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信息高速公路计划是许多国家为迎接21世纪新挑战,全面实现信息化社会,抢占科技制高点,夺取国际竞争优势的重大战略部署。在美国率先于1993年宣布其信息高速公路计划后,立即引起了各国的强烈反响,迅速掀起了一个世界范围的制订、实施“信息高速公路”计划的热潮。当然,也引起了国内各界人士的极大关注。为此,我们特撰写了这份材料。 通过这份材料,可以比较系统、全面的了解到世界信息高速公路计划的总体情况,如它的概念含义、构成要素和特点,由来和发展,产生的背景、基础和条件,对人类产生的效用和影响,以及实施中可能出现的问题;世界主要国家和地区信息高速公路计划产生的背景和基础,主要内容和实施情况,包括美国、日本、欧共体及英国和法国、加拿大、韩国、新加坡、南美四国、我国台湾地区等10多个国家和地区信息高速公路建设情况,详细了解我国构建中国式信息高速公路计划的情况;包括建造中国式信息高速公路的必要性及可行性分析,正在实施中的信息网络工程及应采取的对策研究。由于该研究是一个内容较新、涉及面较广的课题,参考资料较分散零星,加之水平有限、时间较紧,难免有遗漏、欠妥之处,敬请广大读者批评指正。 The information expressway plan is a major strategic arrangement for many countries to meet the new challenges of the 21st century, realize the information society in an all-round way, seize the commanding height of science and technology and seize the international competitive edge. Immediately after the United States announced its plan for the information superhighway in 1993, it immediately aroused strong repercussions from all countries and promptly set off a worldwide craze to formulate and implement the “information superhighway.” Of course, it also aroused great concern of people from all walks of life. For this reason, we specially wrote this material. Through this material, we can get a more systematic and comprehensive understanding of the overall situation of the World Information Highway Project, such as its conceptual meaning, elements and features, its origin and development, its background, foundations and conditions, its effect on human beings And its implications as well as possible problems in its implementation; the background and basic information, main contents and implementation of the information highway programs of the major countries in the world including the United States, Japan, the European Community and the United Kingdom and France, Canada, South Korea, Singapore , South America and four countries, Taiwan and other regions of our country more than 10 countries and regions information highway construction situation, a detailed understanding of China’s construction of Chinese-style information highway project situation; including the construction of Chinese-style information highway necessity and feasibility analysis, is being implemented In the information network engineering and countermeasures should be taken. As the study is a relatively new topic involving a wide range of topics, references are more scattered and sporadic, coupled with limited level, time is tight, it is inevitable omissions, defects, please readers comment criticism.
THE Qin Dynasty(221-206 B.C.) had four imperial polymath councilors who were highly revered by the imperial court for their intelligence and resourcefulness. Si