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名人故居是城市的特殊坐标,是不可再生的宝贵人文资源,需要社会各界的关注和呵护名人名居是一个城市、一个地区文化厚重的标志。上下五千年,我国各地留存的名人故居遍布城镇乡村。首都北京作为辽、金、元、明、清五朝古都,古今名人荟萃。2005年由北京市政协和北京市文物局联合组织的普查显示,仅东城区、西城区和宣武区就有名人故居三百余处,其中被列为国家级文物保护单位的有宋庆龄故居、郭沫若故居、崇礼旧宅、恭王府、孚王府等5处。市级文物保护单位中,在北京逝世的名人的故居有孙中山逝世纪念地和鲁迅故居、毛泽东故居、李大钊故居、康有为故居、梅兰芳故居等15位名人的18处故居,已挂牌保护的各级名人故居39处。 The former residence of celebrities is a special coordinate of the city and is a valuable human resource that can not be regenerated. It requires the attention and care of celebrities from all walks of life. Celebrity living is a symbol of a city and a regional culture. Up and down five thousand years, all over the country retained the celebrities throughout the towns and villages. Beijing as the capital of Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties ancient capital, ancient and modern celebrities blend. A census jointly organized by Beijing Municipal People’s Political Consultative Conference and Beijing Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics in 2005 shows that there are more than 300 former residences in Dongcheng District, Xicheng District and Xuanwu District alone. The former residence of Soong Ching Ling and the former residence of Guo Moruo are listed as national heritage conservation units. , Chongli old house, Prince Gong House, Fu Wang House 5. Among the municipal cultural relics protection units, the former residences of celebrities who passed away in Beijing include the former residence of Dr. Sun Yat-sen and the former residence of Lu Xun, the former residence of Mao Zedong, the former residence of Li Dazhao, the former residence of Kang Youwei and the former residence of Mei Lanfang. Level celebrity home 39.
中国钱币学会第五期钱币专业干部培训班于10月19~30日在湖北省宜昌市中国人民银行宜昌干部培训 China Numismatics Society fifth professional training of cadres in Octob
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“仅仅为了满足现代人好奇的心理,或者为了一个地区旅游的发展,我们去挖一个帝王陵,这是绝对不可以的” 6月13日以来,随着秦兵马俑在沉寂24年后的再次发掘,一些人士甚至媒体