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10月13日,中国西部民营经济发展大讲堂在重庆市涪陵区成功举行,来自国内的众多经济学专家把目光一起聚焦到被业内人士称为目前重庆最大的区域抱团发展民企“航母”——重庆民投产业控股集团股份有限公司(以下简称重庆民投集团),并且共同见证了重庆民投集团当天正式揭牌运营。与普通民企存在融资难等瓶颈不同,这一抱团成立的大型民营企业集团在成立当天就获得了超过千亿元的银行授信。单打独斗,往往会让民企错失众多发展良机。为此,去年涪陵区民营经济协会在通过多方考察,借鉴沿海民企发展经验后,提出了“整合资源,抱团发展,建立新型民企集团”的建议。涪陵区政府则在项目、政策等各方面给予了最大的支持。通过一段时间的筹备,最终70 On October 13, a large lecture hall for the development of private economy in western China was successfully held in Fuling District, Chongqing. Many economists from China focused their attention on the development of private-owned enterprises and aircraft carriers in Chongqing, the largest area in the country. - Chongqing Minmetals Industry Holding Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Chongqing Minmetals Group) and witnessed the official opening of Chongqing Minmetals Group on the same day. There are different financing bottlenecks with ordinary private enterprises. The large-scale private enterprise group founded by Baotuan has won more than 100 billion yuan of bank credit on the same day it was established. Go it alone, often make private enterprises miss many opportunities for development. To this end, last year, Fuling District Private Economic Association, through multi-party inspection, drawing on the experience of private enterprises along the coast, put forward the “integration of resources, Baotuan development, the establishment of a new type of private enterprise group” proposal. Fuling District Government in the project, policy and other aspects gave the greatest support. After a period of preparation, finally 70
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