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重点高等学校,肩负着为国家培养高级专门人才和赶超世界先进科技水平的双重任务。当前,无论是提高教学质量,还是出高水平的科研成果,都要有一支又红又专的高水平的教师队伍。建设这样一支队伍,是摆在我们面前的一项非常紧迫而又具有重要战略意义的任务。从高等学校教师队伍的现状来看,当前存在着一种畸形现象。一方面,队伍庞大,教师超编;另一方面,又业务荒疏,青黄不接。这种状况如不改变,重点高校肩负的历史使命是难以实现的。为了把师资培养工作迅速搞上去,我校选择了数学系为点,解剖麻雀,采取边调查、边研究、边解决的方法,初步了解数学系教师队伍的现状以及他们在师资培养工作中的经验和问题。通过一个系的调查,我们发现在教师队伍中有几个带共性的问题需要解决。其中有的问题,学校本身可以解决;有的问题则需要中央和省、市有关领导部门针对知识分子的特点及其在四化建设中的作用,制订适当的制度、政策和措施,才能妥善地解决。 Key colleges and universities are shouldering the dual tasks of training senior specialized personnel for the country and surpassing the world’s advanced science and technology. At present, both to improve the quality of teaching, or a high level of scientific research, we must have a red and specialized high-level teachers. Building such a contingent is a very urgent and strategically important task before us. Judging from the status quo of teachers in colleges and universities, there is an abnormal phenomenon. On the one hand, the team is huge and the teachers are oversubscribed; on the other hand, the business is scarce and the green is not connected. If this situation is not changed, the historic mission of the key universities will be hard to come by. In order to speed up teacher training, our school chose mathematics department as point, anatomist sparrow, take the side of the investigation, while research, while solving the problem, preliminary understanding of the status of mathematics faculty members and their experience in teacher training And the problem. Through a series of surveys, we found that there are several common problems in the teaching staff that need to be addressed. Some of the problems can be solved by the school itself; some problems require the relevant leading departments of the central, provincial and municipal authorities to formulate appropriate systems, policies and measures in accordance with the characteristics of intellectuals and their role in the four modernizations in order to properly solve.
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