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复活节岛上的龙哥—龙哥(刻有神秘莫测的象形文字的木简),一个多世纪来一直使学者们困惑不解。波利尼西亚的其它岛屿都没有书面文字,那么这笔迹是从哪儿来的?它能否揭示复活节岛神秘的过去?据岛上传说,这里的第一个国王,霍图·马图阿不知何时从何地同两船来定居的人一起来到这里。他随身带来67块龙哥一龙哥木简。后来又做了许多木简。可是自1862年岛上的统治者被秘鲁奴隶贩子拐骗以后,这种文字也随之消逝,至今尚无任何本地人能够认读这些文字。现今,岛上仅存有24块木简。木简是用浮木或特罗米罗木(该岛土生土长的一种树木)制成的,正反两面都刻有文字。全文按照一种称作鲍斯特罗费登的形式书写排列。如果上一行由左至右,那么下一行则由右至左,行行首尾衔接。读这些木简,必须要不断转着弯来读。 Long Island on Easter Island - Long Ge (carved with mysterious hieroglyphics), scholars have been puzzled for more than a century. Where does this handwriting come from? Other islands in Polynesia have no written language. Where can it reveal the mysterious past of Easter Island? According to the legend of the island, the first king here, Hortu Matuáh, did not know when Where to settle with two ships to come together here. He brought 67 dragon brother a Long Ge Mu Jane. Later made a lot of woodcut. However, since the rulers of the island were abducted by Peruvian slave traders in 1862, such words disappeared, and so far no locals have read these words. Today, there are only 24 wooden slips on the island. Mutianyu is made of driftwood or trummelwood, a native tree of the island, engraved on both sides. The full text is arranged in a form called Bowers Feyden. If the previous line from left to right, then the next line from right to left, the first line of convergence convergence. To read these wooden slips, we must constantly turn the bend to read.
法库县丁家房乡五龙山附近,从去冬到今春,喜鹊成群结队,纷纷迁来安家落户.新迁来的喜鹊有一千多对,山林内随处可见喜鹊筑的新巢,悦耳的鸟鸣给昔日沉寂的 Faku County Dingj
中国象棋盘中间,总写着“楚河”、“汉界”四个大字,把下象棋比作历史上的“楚汉相争”,寸土不让.那么楚河、汉界究竟在哪里呢? In the middle of the Chinese chessboard,
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116I型糖尿病患者和正常人GH对GHRH和可乐定刺激的反应[英]/JacobsML…ClinEndocrinol.-1996,44(5):547~553曾报道控制不良的胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(IDDM)患者基础GH水平升高且GH刺激反应增强,血中胰岛素... Response of GH to GHRH and clonidine
SINCE the Third PlenarySession of the EleventhCentral Committee of CPC,China’s post has been greatlypromoted following thepolicies of reform and openingto out
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