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在经济下行压力加大的严峻形势面前,2014年中国兵器装备集团以深入打好全面深化改革,转型升级、做强做优做大和改进作风“三大攻坚战”为引领,实现发展争先,营业收入首次突破4 000亿元,达到4 259.76亿元,同比增长17.75%;营业收入、利润增速均居中央企业与军工集团前列;世界企业500强排名提升至169位。贡献增大,上缴税金276.3亿元,同比增长51.44%。效益增高,实现利润169.08亿元,同比增长65.89%;连续8年在中央企业负责人经营业绩考核中获得A级。后劲增强,全年获得专利授权千余项,累计拥有专利超过11 000项,两项成果获得国家科学技术进步奖二等奖。活力增加,明确了当前和今后一个时期全面深化改革的方向和重点。 In the face of the grim situation of increasing downward pressure on the economy, in 2014, China North Industries Group took the lead in striving for deepening reforms, upgrading and restructuring, strengthening, improving and improving the style of work, Operating revenue topped 400 billion yuan for the first time, reaching 425.25 billion yuan, up 17.75% over the same period of previous year. Both operating income and profit growth ranked the top of the central enterprises and military industrial groups. The ranking of the world’s top 500 enterprises rose to 169 places. Contribution increased, taxes paid 27.63 billion yuan, an increase of 51.44%. The profit increased by 16.908 billion yuan, an increase of 65.89% over the same period of the previous year. For eight consecutive years, the company was rated A-level in the performance evaluation of the heads of state-owned enterprises. Stronger stamina, obtaining more than one thousand patent grants throughout the year and accumulatively owning over 11,000 patents. Both achievements won the second prize of the State Science and Technology Progress Award. Increased vitality and clarified the direction and priorities for deepening the reform in an all-round way at present and in the coming period.
一、方法明矾50g,溶解于蒸馏水5L,过滤(即为1%的无色透明液体,pH6.2,渗透压150mOsm/L),高压消毒后备用。将双腔导尿管(即剥去气囊的 Foley’s 管)经尿道插入膀胱,用生理盐水
化学教学过程中获得教学信息反馈,临机进行教学调节,是使化学教学达到良好效果的重要手段.通过的渠道如下: 一、“捕捉”学生瞬间变化的心理状态在教学中通过“鉴貌辨色”获
本文主要利用光镜和电镜等组织学技术,报告人睾丸和附睾结缔组织肥大细胞(Mast Cell:MC)形态及分布概况。作者取120例非睾丸性疾病男性尸检的睾丸和附睾标本,依据年龄分组,2
台湾诗人Y先生说:“在海外,夜间听到蟋蟀叫,就会以为那是在四川乡下听到的那一只。”就是那一只蟋蟀钢翅响拍着金风 The Taiwan poet, Mr Y, said: “Overseas, when you he