认清形势 统一思想 在治理整顿中前进——江西省冶金厅厅长刘凯同志在全省冶金工作会议上的讲话摘要

来源 :江西冶金 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaijiayue
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过去的1988年是外部条件发生重大变化,江西冶金工业经受严峻考验的一年,也是全省十万冶金职工千方百计,共渡难关,继续取得新成绩的一年。在上级的正确领导和有关部门的支持下,我省冶金工业保持了生产的稳定并略有增长,钢产量106吨,生铁85万吨,成品钢材95万吨,焦炭91万吨,十种有色金属和其它产品的生产也有增长。全省冶金工业总产值增长12.6%,实现利税和上交利税分别增长4.93%和4.92%。科技 The past 1988 was a major change in external conditions. Jiangxi Metallurgical Industry suffered a severe test of the year. It was also one of the 100,000 metallurgical workers in the province who tried every possible means to tide over the difficulties and continue to make new achievements. With the correct leadership of the higher authorities and the support of relevant departments, the metallurgical industry in our province maintained its steady growth with a slight increase of 106 tons of steel, 850,000 tons of pig iron, 950,000 tons of finished steel, 910,000 tons of coke and 10 non-ferrous Production of metals and other products also increased. The province’s total output value of metallurgical industry increased 12.6%, profits and taxes and the tax paid 4.93% and 4.92% respectively. Technology
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