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女性皮肤以白嫩为美,数千年来有不少赞颂的诗文,《诗经·卫风·硕人》篇里,形容卫庄公美丽的夫人,庄姜说她“手如柔荑,肤如凝脂。”战国时楚国诗人宋玉在《登徒子好色赋》序中,形容他家东邻的美女是:“着粉则太白,施朱则太赤,眉如翠羽,肌如白雪。”唐宋诗人韦庄《菩萨蛮·江南好》诗也有:“垆边人似月,皓腕凝霜雪”。用“凝脂”、“白雪”、“凝霜雪”来形容妇女白嫩肌肤之美。此外,更常见的是用白玉形容女性莹洁光润的肌肤之美。晋人王嘉在《拾遗记》里,形容三国刘备的甘夫人“玉质柔肌”。唐朝诗人王维也在《洛阳女儿》七言古诗里,形容春秋时期越国美女西施“谁怜越女颜如玉,贫贱江南自浣纱。”玉虽白洁,但质硬,用来形容女性如柔荑的肌肤并不十分贴切。所以唐朝以后的诗人,更用软玉 Female skin to white and tender for the United States, thousands of years have a lot of praising poetry, “The Book of Songs Wei Feng Shuo” in the article, described Mrs. Wei Zhuang beautiful lady, Zhuang Jiang said she “hand as soft, skin In the Warring States Period, the poet Song Yu Chu in the ”precepts erotic fu“ sequence, described his beauty east of the house is: ”The powder is too white, Shi Zhu is too red, eyebrow, such as Cui Yu, muscle such as snow. “Tang and Song poet Wei Zhuang” Pusa Mannan good “poem also:” Kubo people like the moon, Hao Hong cream frost. “ With ”creamy“, ”snow“, ”frost and snow“ to describe the beauty of women’s skin white and tender. In addition, the more common is to use white jade to describe the beauty of the skin glittering and shining skin. Wang Jin in the ”pick up“ in the description of the Three Kingdoms Mrs Liu Man ”jade soft muscle.“ Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei is also ”Luoyang daughter“ seven words in ancient poetry, describe the Spring and Autumn Period beauty more Shih Tzu ”who more feminine, such as jade, poverty cheap Jiangnan self-Hanyu." Jade Although Bai Jie, but hard, used to describe women Such as supple skin is not very appropriate. Therefore, after the Tang Dynasty poet, but with nephrite
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