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来源 :满语研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yan19891989
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满族语言文化研究中心主任赵阿平教授和郭孟秀副教授于2001年8月25日至28日,应邀参加了由中国社会科学院萨满文化研究中心、吉林省民族研究所、吉林市社科联、吉林市满族研究会共同主办的“2001年国际满族萨满文化学术研讨会”。来自国内外的150多名萨满文化研究专家学者出席了本次会议。会议主题为萨满文化研究现状、萨满文化遗存及对当今社会的影响等。会议采用学术研讨与学术考察相结合的方式,主要考察了吉林市 Manchu Language and Culture Research Center Professor Zhao Aping and Guo Mengxiu an associate professor in August 2001 from August 25 to 28, was invited to participate in by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Shaman Cultural Research Center, Jilin Institute of Nationalities, Jilin City, the Social Science Federation, Jilin Manchu Seminar co-sponsored the “2001 International Manchurian Shamanism Symposium.” Over 150 shaman culture experts and scholars from home and abroad attended the conference. The theme of the conference is the research on the status of shaman culture, the shaman cultural relics and its impact on today’s society. The conference adopted a combination of academic research and academic study, mainly examining the city of Jilin
纪念中国共产党成立 80周年以“三个代表”重要思想为指导开创高校思想政治工作的新局面云福俊 ( 1 )……………………………………论“以德治国”对精神文明建设的继承与创
Thermal characteristics are numerically investigated for the hybrid AlGaInAs/InP on silicon microring lasers with different ring radii and widths. Low threshold
在人类社会进入 2 1世纪之际 ,由原广东石油化工高等专科学校、茂名教育学院、茂名石化公司职工大学三校合并组建的广东省属本科普通高等学校—茂名学院顺利地进行了实质性的
Output performance of a continuous-wave Tm:YAP laser pumped passively Q-switched Ho:YLF laser is demonstrated with a polycrystalline Cr~(2+):ZnS as the saturabl
A diode-pumped passively mode-locked Nd-doped La_3Ga_5SiO_(14)(Nd:LGS) laser is realized by using a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror.With the pump power
美国有将近 80万儿童在农田里干活。根据最近“人权监督组织”的报告 ,移民中的年轻劳动力经常接触危险的农药 ,有时在撒满了农药的田里工作 ,而且常常在吃饭前没有机会洗手
We design and fabricate a parallel system with 10 high speed side-illuminated evanescently coupled waveguide photodetectors(ECPDs).The 10 ECPDs exhibit a unifor