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【典子的话】贫困是一种磨难,也是一笔财富。它可能与生俱来令你无法逃避,但正视贫困,它就会成为勇敢者前进的动力。正方同学立足现实,指出是贫困使很多人丧失了接受更多教育的机会,认为贫困还会使人产生自卑感,不利于身心的健康成长。其中苏文举同学对方忡永“泯然众人”的原因进行了重新解读,并进行逆向设想,角度新颖,别有天地。反方同学则列举了古今中外许多伟大的人物在面对贫困时依然保持旺盛的斗志,更加奋进,终于在历史长河中留下了自己闪闪发光的名字的事例。郑创奇、宋宏妮同学通过这些例子指出贫困不是人生的拦路虎,富裕的生活反而容易使人丧失斗志,大有“一览贫困小”的豪气。在论据上,反方同学的也更显充分。建议本期的最佳辩手授予河南的朱宏妮同学,她将得到由北京少年儿童出版社提供的“校园新文学系列”之《校园往事》一本。典子期待着以后同学们有更精彩的表现! [Words] Poverty is an ordeal and a fortune. It may be born so that you can not escape, but face poverty, it will become the driving force for the brave. Based on the facts, the square students point out that poverty means that many people have lost the opportunity to receive more education. It is believed that poverty will also cause people to feel inferior and is not conducive to the healthy growth of the body and mind. One of the reasons why Su Wenju’s fellow student Yong Chung’s opponents “become the crowd” was reinterpreted and reversed. The perspective is novel and there is no other place in the world. The anti-classmates listed examples in which many great figures from ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, remained strong in the face of poverty, and were even more forge ahead, leaving behind their own glittering names in the long history. Through these examples, Zheng Chuangqi and Song Hongni pointed out that poverty is not a barrier to human life. Instead, an affluent life can easily lead to a loss of morale. On the basis of arguments, the students of the opposing party are even more full. It is suggested that the best debater in this period be awarded to Zhu Hongni of Henan Province. She will get a copy of “Campus Past” from the “New Campus Literature Series” provided by Beijing Children’s Publishing House. Dianzi expects the students to have more exciting performance in the future!
1944 年 8 月,刘道民在芷江柳树坪进入国民党第九总站无线电区台工作。如今,抗战受降已过去70年,陈旧的幕布后面,唯有勋章赫然:他是当前唯一健在的芷江抗日老兵,芷江受降的见证人。  “当时谁都想进空军”  1944 年夏,抗日战争进入相持阶段末期,正过渡至反攻阶段。当时,驻守在湖南芷江柳树坪村的国民党第九总站无线电区台公示招聘信息,对应聘者的要求仍旧精严:初中毕业,考试入伍。  此时的刘道明正
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