Effect of Danshao Huaxian capsule on expression of matrix metalloproteinase-1 and tissue inhibitor o

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lxj13050621544
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AIM: To investigate the effects of Danshao Huaxian (DSHX)capsules, a preparation of traditional Chinese medicine,on the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1),and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) in the fibrous livers of rats.METHODS: Eighty male Wistar rats were randomly divided into normal control group (group A), CCl4-induced hepatic fibrosis group (group B), non-DSHX-treated group (group C), low dose-treated group (group D), and high dose-treated group (group E). Fibrous liver models in rats were induced by subcutaneous injection of CCl4, oral administration of alcohol and high-lipid/low-protein diet for 8 wk. After the models were established, the rats in groups D and E were orally given a low dose (0.5 g/kg) and a high dose (1.0 g/kg) of DSHX daily for 8 wk, respectively.Then, the liver indexes, serum hyaluronic acid (HA) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) were examined. The degree of hepatic fibrosis was evaluated by optical microscopy.Hydroxyproline (Hyp) in the urine was determined, and the expression of MMP-1 and TIMP-1 was detected by immunohistochemical techniques.RESULTS: In groups D and E, the liver indexes, levels of serum HA and ALT reduced and development of hepaticfibrosis weakened significantly. The urinary Hyp and expression of MMP-1 in the liver tissues elevated, but the expression of TIMP-1 decreased obviously, as compared to groups B and C.CONCLUSION: DSHX enhances the expression of MMP-1but decreases that of TIMP-1 in liver tissues of CCl4-induced hepatic fibrotic rats, which may result in its elevated activity that contributes to fighting against hepatic fibrosis.
目的 探讨右美托咪定在颅内动脉瘤介入手术全身麻醉诱导期减少血流动力学波动中的应用.方法 选择全身麻醉下行颅内动脉瘤介入手术的患者60例,采用随机数字表法分为低剂量芬太尼组、高剂量芬太尼组和低剂量芬太尼复合右美托咪定组(复合组),每组20例.麻醉诱导前,复合组经微量泵持续静脉注射右美托咪定,总量1μg/kg,泵注时间10 min;低剂量芬太尼组和高剂量芬太尼组注射等量0.9%氯化钠.麻醉诱导时,低剂
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