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怀远,一座位于宜州市西郊22公里的古镇。在中州河、龙江河交汇处的岸边,是镇政府所在地,也是怀远的政治、经济、文化中心。古镇两面环水,四季川流不息的江河见证了她一年又一年的夏天。香瓜熟了,甜玉米上市了,怀远的夏天到了。怀远的香瓜因香甜脆口而得名,怀远的甜玉米因香甜柔软而远销区内外。夏日的凌晨,当天刚露出鱼肚白的时候,瓜地里、玉米地里到处是拾瓜和收甜玉米的农民,他们要赶上早市,把当天最新鲜的香瓜和玉米批发到外地。天刚蒙蒙亮,农民们或肩挑或用车把鲜瓜和玉米运到集镇上批发出售,夏日的早市,在瓜农和商贩 Huaiyuan, a town 22 kilometers west of Yizhou. On the banks of the Zhongzhou River and Longjiang River Interchange, it is the town government’s seat and also the political, economic and cultural center of Huaiyuan. The town is surrounded by water on both sides, the steady flow of rivers throughout the four seasons witness her summer year after year. Cantaloupe cooked, sweet corn market, Huaiyuan summer arrived. Huaiyuan melon because of the sweet and crisp mouth and named Huaiyuan sweet corn soft and sweet and exported to the region. In the early morning of summer, when the day was white, the peasants in the melon and corn fields picked up melons and collected sweet corn. They had to catch up with the morning market to wholesale the freshest melon and corn on the day. The dawn of the sky, peasants shoulder pick or pick up the fresh melon and corn to the town for sale, summer morning market, farmers and traders
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