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决心将摄影当作终生爱侣的你还记得拍摄的第一卷菲林吗?拍了什么?那天有没有下雨?用的哪台相机?645还是海鸥4B?快门几分之一秒?上卷成功吗?有没有漏光?是不是自己冲洗?开始想拥有一间暗房么?如果把摄影比作一场梦,那么菲林胶片的时代,无疑是这场梦的高潮。那种对未知的盼望和冥冥中暗藏的惊喜完完全全的被安放在犹如飞机黑匣子般的胶卷仓中,菲林承载着摄影的魂魄,按下快门的瞬间 Determined to use photography as a lifelong lover, do you remember the first shot of the film? What did it shoot? Did it rain that day? Which camera was used? 645 Or the seagull 4B? The shutter a fraction of a second? Is it successful? Did you leak light? Did you wash yourself? Have you ever wanted to own a darkroom? If you compare photography with a dream, then the era of film is undoubtedly the culmination of this dream. The kind of unknown hope and somewhere in the hidden surprise completely placed in the plane like a black box-like film warehouse, film carrying the soul of photography, the moment the shutter is pressed
摘要:后主李煜用血泪之词表达了国破家亡的不幸和哀愁,词中口语的运用更是增添了词的真实色彩,在不加雕饰的语言中充满着作者的真情实感,读罢让人不得不为这位出身特殊的词人而感叹,同时又感动。   关键词:李煜词;语言;口语  中图分类号:G633.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2018)11-0127  李煜词以其极高的艺术成就在词史上具有很大的影响力。在南唐词人中,甚至是整个唐五
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