A Psychological Analysis on Characters in Poe’s Short Stories

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  【Abstract】“The Tell-Tale Heart”, “The Black Cat”, and “The Cast of Amontillado” are written by Edgar Allan Poe, the protagonists all commit terrible crimes. This paper mainly analyzes the protagonists’ psychology under Freudian personality theory, points out that the reason for these terrible crimes or tragedy is the unbalance of id, ego and super-ego.
  【Key words】Edgar Allan Poe; Sigmund Freud; Personality theory
  Freud studied he human psyche and outlined his theories of the id, ego and super-ego. Id is the system of “unconscious”, which contains human secret desires, darkest wishes, and intense fears. Ego is the rational and logical part of the mind. “The super-ego retains the character of the father, while the more powerful the Oedipus complex was… the stricter will be the domination of the super-ego over the ego later on.(Freud, 1989:30)” Based on the Freudian personality theory, we discuss the abnormal activities from the unbalanced personality in Poe’s stories.
  In “The Tell-Tale Heart”, the narrator told us his mixed feelings about the old man whom he live with, he murdered the old man brutally, however, he confessed his crime before the policemen. The wish of killing is only the “death instinct” of protagonist’s id, which Freud states is one of the two classes of instincts, and the opposite one is “sexual instinct”(or life instinct). The desire for killing burst out and the energy of id became stronger, a feeling of fulfillment made the man “fairly chucked” (Poe, 2007:5). Suddenly, he heard the beating of the old man’s heart. The heartbeat he heard represented his sense of morality in ego and warned him of the crime. But the energy of id once broke out, for fulfilling the desire of id he killed the old man and buried his body parts under the floor. However, the id’s immoral behavior definitely can’t escape the supervision of the super-ego. When the policemen came, he heard the loud heartbeat again and he confess. The heartbeat was his super-ego or his morality standards deeply rooted in his mind that guided him out to the police and managed to carry out its severe punishments.
  In “The Black Cat”, the protagonist was a gentle young man, but suddenly became violent since he started drinking alcohol excessively. The evil instinct, Freud calls “death instinct ” or “aggressive drive”, started to control his mind. He began to abuse animals and his wife whom he used to love, he even cut one of Pluto’s eyes and hang it to death. Social morality in his ego had restrained him, but alcohol discovered the dark side of his nature and the “evil” id defeated the “vulnerable” ego. Months later, the narrator saw another cat looked exactly like the dead one, so he adopted it as an act of expiation. However, being pushed eagerly by the id, ego has no other options but gradually stepped on the road to collapse. One day, he took an axe towards the animal. But the action was stopped by his wife, he put the axe into his wife’s head and walled the corpse up in the cellar. In the end, the policemen tore the wall down, found the decaying corpse and an one-eyed cat sat on its head. Actually it was the super-ego in narrator’s personality defeated id and ego, which punished the narrator with the sense of guilty and revealed his own crime.   In “The Cask of Amontillado”, Montresor planed to murder Fortunato for Fortunato was arrogant and the aristocratic features. By following the pleasure principle, id told him to take action against Fortunato and cure the unhappiness. At this moment, id and ego in his personality were in chaos and Montresor was in an extremely painful situation. As Montresor would achieve his goal in the cellar, his ego and super-ego came out in order to stop him from the crime. He warned Fortunato, but Fortunato insisted on continuing. Then the id was back in his personality, and continuously lured Fortunato to the end of his life. Finally Montresor’s id got fulfillment, he was ecstatic with satisfaction. But suddenly he hesitated and trembled. According to Freudian personality theory, his hesitation, tremble and sick at heart are all stings of conscience from ego and super-ego, by which super-ego tried to punish him for his immoral deeds. Id and super-ego in Montresor’s personality took charge in turns, and he chose to surrender to his id in the end of the story. With the surrender, his id, ego and super-ego failed to reach a balanced system.
  This paper explores Poe’s abnormal characters in horror stories by analyzing tales like “The Tell-Tale Heart”, “The Black Cat”, and “The Cast of Amontillado”. Their personality is distorted by the conflict among id, ego, and super-ego. The unbalanced state of their personality drives these characters to behave abnormally. First, the desire of the id are released, and the ego controlled the id. But after the id gets its relief, it is followed by super-ego’s interference, thus the super-ego compromised to the id in the end. With such an unbalanced psychological state, these characters all committed terrible crimes.
  [1]Freud,Sigmund.The Ego And The Id.[M].Strachey,James.ed.New York: W.W.Norton
【摘要】在翻译实践活动中,功能翻译理论具有重要价值,通过与原文的对比来实现翻译活动。本文主要探究功能翻译理论指导下的英语翻译技巧,首先对功能翻译理论指导下的英语翻译应遵循的原则进行论述,其次分析了功能翻译理论指导下的英语翻译技巧,最后提出了功能翻译理论指导下的英语翻译方法,以期本文的研究为英语翻译技巧提供一定的参考借鉴意义。  【关键词】功能翻译理论;英语;翻译技巧  【作者简介】刘誉,山东省济南
【摘要】英语是我国教育体系中的三大主科之一,近年来,随着人们对教育的重视程度不断提升,中职学校英语教学受到了人们的广泛关注。由于中职学生的学习基础相对较弱,这给中职学校英语教学带来了较大的难度,为提升教学质量,情境教学法被越来越多的应用在中职学校英语教学之中,并取得了比较明显的效果。本文对中职学校英语教学中情境教学法的具体应用措施进行探究,希望对广大教师的教学活动有所帮助。  【关键词】中职学校;
【摘要】大学英语教学承担着培育学生思辨能力、语言能力、跨文化交际能力的重任,也关系到兼具中国情怀与国际化视野人才培养。慕课是一种新兴的网络教学模式,其在当代教育事业之中刮起了一场教学变革新风暴。本文以大学机械专业为例,通过分析慕课学习平台概念与特点,对大学英语教学改革中慕课学习平台的实践应用进行了重点研究。  【关键词】慕课学习平台;机械专业;大学英语;教学改革;研究  【作者简介】唐媛(1983
【摘要】本文是根据大多数大学制定的《大学英语课程教学》以及巴赫曼先生和帕尔默先生发明的“测评使用论证”为指导思想,然后在有序地进行完初步规划、设计阶段、实施阶段以及试测和使用阶段之后,构建出完善、有效的大学英语学业测评体系。  【关键词】课程标准;大学英语学业测评体系;开发研究  【作者简介】毛忠霞,长沙民政职业技术学院。  引言  现阶段,大学英语学业的测评方法就是根据英语课程标准设定的学习要求
一、引言  在《中学英语新课程标准》中,五级目标对于写的方面的要求是:1.能根据写作要求,收集,准备素材;2.能独立起草短文,短信等,并在教师指导下进行修改;3.能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系; 4.能简单描述人物或事件。5.能根据所给图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明。中考英语对写作的要求是能根据提示进行书面表达;清楚、连贯地传递准确信息,表达意思;有效运用所学语言知识。因此是否能够根据所
【摘要】在二语习得领域中,情感因素已经逐渐得到研究者们的关注。拟探讨贵州贵州省大学生英语学习自我概念状况,并就性别和专业间的异同进行比较研究。数据收集采用英语学习自我概念调查问卷,问卷包含听,说,读,写四个维度的自我概念。共有1028名大学生参加了此次调查。调查结果显示,女生的自我概念在总体上和各个维度上都明显高于男生。英语专业学生在总体上和听力,阅读两个维度上明显高于非英语专业学生。  【关键词
【摘要】现阶段英语专业的翻译课堂中更注重翻译技巧的讲授与操练,但文化类素材对学生兴趣的培养,跨文化意识的形成及翻译理论知识的入门都颇具意义,本文将从上述角度浅谈文化类素材在翻译课教学中的作用。  【关键词】翻译教学;跨文化意识;文化类素材  【作者简介】江天雨,同济大学浙江学院。  “翻译是两种文化之间的交流,译者熟悉中英文化甚至比掌握这两种语言更为重要。”(张春柏 223)基于这一理念,笔者在翻
【摘要】本文从写前指导和写后评价两个方面,对比和分析了两节同课異构的初中英语写作课,旨在探索如何合理利用seewolink软件发挥学生在写作课堂中的主体地位、提高学生的参与度,让学生在体验中提高写作能力,优化教学效果。  【关键词】seewolink;写作教学;对比分析  【作者简介】吕海龙,浙江省宁海县跃龙教育集团黄坛中学。  虽然信息技术已经慢慢渗透到初中英语教学中,但许多教师对信息技术的使用