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本文就如何认识和怎样制定实施采伐限额的问题谈几点不成熟的看法,不当之处,请各位专家批评指正。一、对森林资源实行限额消耗是一个迫在眉睫的大问题。我国幅员辽阔,人口众多,但森林资源贫乏,属于少林国家。森林面积仅占全世界的4.1%,林业蓄积占世界的2.9%,人均有林地面积为0.12公顷,蓄积为9.1立方米,分别相当世界人均水平的18%和13%。木材供需矛盾尖锐,森林资源赤字严重,森林复盖率已由12.7%(四·五清查时)下降到12%(五·五清查时)。据“五·五”清查统计资料,全国(除台 This article on how to understand and how to develop the issue of cutting quotas to talk about a few immature opinions, inappropriate, please experts criticism. First, the limit consumption of forest resources is an imminent big problem. My country, with its vast territory and large population, has a poor forest resource and belongs to the Shaolin State. The forest area accounts for only 4.1% of the world’s total. The forest reserves account for 2.9% of the world’s total. The per capita forest area is 0.12 hectares and the volume is 9.1 cubic meters, equivalent to 18% and 13% of the world average respectively. The sharp contradiction between supply and demand of timber and the serious deficit of forest resources have reduced the coverage rate of forest from 12.7% (from April 5 to the end of inventory) to 12% (during the inspection of 5.5). According to “five five” inventory statistics, the country (except Taiwan
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木材销售部门是林业企业的一个重要部门。销售工作直接影响到企业的经济效益。根据目前林业企业的实际情况,我认为木材销售应抓好五大环节: Wood sales department is an i
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南洋漆(即假漆树)和印马漆 Gluta sp.and Melanorrhoea sp. 科名:漆树科 Anacardiaceae. 商用名:马来亚、沙捞越、印尼称伦格斯,越南称逊木,柬埔寨称克勒奥。树木及分布:假