An Analysis of Technical Students’ English Learning Motivation

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  【Abstract】In recent years, because of the large-scale colleges’ enrollment, the number of students is increasing while the quality of their English learning level is lower than before. So the gap between students’ achievement in English is becoming larger and larger. The author aims to reveal problems of learning motivation in the English learning process. By the ways of handing out questionnaires, interviewing subjects and attending some classes, she find reasons of the problems and give suggestions to the English teachers and technical students. Base on this, teachers could find out how to stir students’ English learning motivation. Through analysis of 117 questionnaires, it finds that students of Hainan Technician College (HTC) have different motivations, and some English learning problems. In the college English learning process, teachers should first of all make an acquaintance with students’ English learning motivation and fully understand the link between academic result and motivation. Then according to their different situations, teachers should use different teaching methods and skills so as to stir and keep students learning motivation, especially in the process of college students’ classroom learning. Only if teachers keep students’ interest and stir their inner motivation, students can make good teaching achievement in teaching round. At the same time students should actively cooperate with teachers, have a clear attitude and goal in English learning, change the original bias to English, raise English learning motivation, and work hard for English in order to meet the needs of times.
  【Key words】English learning motivation; technical students; teaching method
  I. Introduction
  In modern society English plays a significant role both in teaching and in learning round, which draws many teachers and scholars’ attention. It is widely known, most of the information and documents are shown in English, which makes English used all over the world. A new passion for English has emerged in our society recently. But it is very difficult for us to learn a second language because our mother tongue is Chinese. However, it is important for us to learn English well. Then, “how to stir learners’ English learning motivation” is becoming an all-concerned topic in China.
  Given motivation, anyone can learn a language. Motivation is one of the important factors in the learning process, which helps to determine the level of proficiency achieved by different learners. It involves the arousal and maintenance of curiosity. Because of such factors as learners’ particular interests and extend to which they feel personally involved in learning activities. Until now, a large quantity of researches, both theoretical and empirical, have been conducted on these individual learner variables, especially on English learning motivation, which have been identified as the most influential variables on learning.   1.1 About Motivation. Nowadays learning motivation is considered as one of the most important factors to students’ learning. Motivation refers to an internal process that pushes or pulls the individual, and the push or pull relates to some external events. Social factors may affect students’ English learning motivation. Due to the external environment surrounding them variously, they act on their internal disposition in unique ways. Therefore, English learning motivation varies from individual to individual. Motivation is probably the most frequently used words for explaining the success or failure of some tasks. It is easy to figure that success lies on high motivation, while failure low motivation. Countless studies and experiments in human learning have shown that motivation is the key to learning, especially to foreign language learning. Thus, studying English learning motivation has a practical and theoretical significance to English learning and teaching.
  1.2 English learning of technical students in China and our college. Technical students are those who graduate from junior middle schools and enrolled by the college if they can pass a unique entrance examination, in which the subjects are much easier than those in the common senior high school entrance examination. In recent years, because of the increasing number of students, many of them fail in the common senior high school entrance examination, so some have to choose to enter technical schools. It is a prevalent phenomenon that technical students have low English learning motivation, especially in China. On one hand teachers show their low expectancy to students of technical school; on the other hand their previous poor English academic achievements and their poor social image as technical college students result in their lack of interest and motive power in English learning. Compared with common senior high school students, their original English ground is much poorer. As far as the author concerned, technical students English learning motivation in China is generally low and their learning attitude is intact, this is due to their English learning atmosphere is inactive. In Hainan Technician College (HTC), students are proficient in science, especially in operating machines and in getting good marks on their major related courses. However, few of them show any affection to English. In addition to this, vast majority of the technical students are weak in English listening and speaking and cannot use English to communicate with others.   1.3 Purpose of the study. Every area of work is in need of people who are able to master English, and our society requests students to be proficient in English is now greater than ever. In order to find out the reasons why technical students in Hainan Technician College (HTC) are tired of learning English, the author hands out some questionnaires and does some research on this phenomenon. The purpose of this study is to make some investigations into the technical students’ English study situation and find out the correlation between related features and students’ performance. This study will no doubt give college English teachers a clearer picture of their technical students’ English study and will be helpful in improving their students’ learning situation and achieving better results of teaching. As a senior, who will graduate soon and become a teacher in the future, I would like to give this article as a present to my college Hainan Technician College (HTC) hoping it is helpful to promote the English learning situation of technical students in our school.
  II. Literature review
  For many years, the motivation of students within the classroom has been the factors of applied research. Researchers have studied attempts to increase students on-task behavior, such as Farch
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