Transformation List for SGML Application

来源 :Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rabeenzhu
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SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) is an ISO standard for document description (ISO 8879). The main idea in SGML is to specify docu-ment both by text and by the document’s structure without reference to a particular processing system. This kind of document description puts thb docu-ment interchange into fact. But there are very few systems of SGML that have friendly interface and are portable in many applications. In this paper, various aPproaches to implementing SGML are aJssessed and the transformation Iist for SGML application is introduced. This approach is not limited to specific application fields. It is suitable to any application domain and is friendly to users. Users can understand it without any training and can use it as easily as doing their routine work. It will accelerate the development of the document interchange. SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) is an ISO standard for document description (ISO 8879). The main idea in SGML is to specify docu-ment both by text and by the document’s structure without reference to a particular processing system. This kind of document description puts thb docu ment ment into into fact. But there are very few systems of SGML that have friendly interface and are portable in many applications. In this paper, various aPproaches to implementing SGML are a Jssessed and the transformation Iist for SGML application is introduced. It is suitable to any application domain and is friendly to users. Users can understand it without any training and can use it as easily as doing their routine work. It will accelerate the development of the document interchange.
StoragecapacityofcomplexHopfieldmodelSHUAIJW;CHEWZX;LIURT;WUBX(Dept.ofPhysics,XiamenUniversity,Xiamen361005,CHN)Abstract:TheD... Storagecapacity of complex HopfieldmodelSHUAIJW; CHEWZX; LIURT; WUBX (Dept. of Physics, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, CHN
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患儿男,5岁,体重17 kg,不慎被开水烫伤左臂,经治疗,但烫伤继发感染,出现发热,食欲不振.在农村输液治疗,每日输葡萄糖生理盐水500~1 000 ml及抗生素(不详),共14 d,虽感染好转,但患儿烦躁,口渴,变得不活泼、不爱说话,好像变"傻"了,遂来京治疗.入院时查体:患儿反应迟钝,木呆状,肌张力增高,反射亢进.血生化:血钠165mmol/L,血氯增高,血钾正常.经输维持液治疗,血钠逐渐下降
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
2014年,英国钢琴家克里斯蒂安·布菜克肖(Christian Blackshaw)正好六十五岁。对于一位以现场演奏作为职业生涯的钢琴家来说,这个年龄岂止是“不年轻”了,甚至还有些显老了。