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10月31日上午,司法部在京召开第三届全国法学教材与科研成果奖颁奖大会,对获奖作者进行隆重表彰。司法部副部长张苏军出席大会并讲话。本届评奖申报共受理各类成果744项,最终评出获奖作品150项,其中一等奖15项,二等奖42项,三等奖57项,优秀作品奖36项。为保证评奖过程客观公正,司法部制定了严格的评审程序和评审规则,始终坚持“公平、公开、公正”的原则,从全国高等院校、科研院所和中央实务部门,邀请了10位技术人员和90位专家学者,先后组织了三次评审活动。本次评奖是按照司法部《法治建设与法学理论研究部级科研项目管理办法(试行)》关于“司法部每三年组织评定一次部级法学科研成果奖与法学教材”的规定组织开展的。会上,司法部研究室副主任王公义介绍了本届评奖的申报及评审情况。全国人大内司委、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、教育部、科技部、国务院法制办、中国法学会等中央有关部门的领导,以及司法部机关和直属单位的负责同志参加了颁奖大会。姜明安、高铭暄等43名获奖代表领奖。全国人大内司委委员、中国人民大学教授戴玉忠代表特邀嘉宾致词,清华大学崔建远教授、湘潭大学廖永安教授代表获奖人员发言。我们将三位教授的发言予以整理,现摘登如下,以飨读者。 On the morning of October 31, the Ministry of Justice convened the Third National Law Teaching and Research Achievement Award Presentation Conference in Beijing to solemnly honor the award-winning authors. Vice Minister of Justice Zhang Sujun attended the meeting and delivered a speech. A total of 744 awards of various kinds were accepted and 150 winning entries were finalized, including 15 first prizes, 42 second prizes, 57 third prizes and 36 best prizes. In order to ensure that the award process is objective and fair, the Ministry of Justice has formulated strict assessment procedures and assessment rules and always upholds the principle of “fairness, openness and fairness” and invites all national institutions of higher learning, research institutes and the central substantive departments to invite 10 Technical staff and 90 experts and scholars, has organized three reviews. This award is organized in accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Justice’s “Administrative Measures on the Rule of Law Construction and Law at the Ministry of Science and Research at the Ministry of Science and Technology (for Trial Implementation)” and the “Ministry of Justice Ruses and Evaluates the Scientific Research Materials of the Ministerial Law Science every three years” of. At the meeting, Wang Gongyi, deputy director of the Research Department of the Ministry of Justice, introduced the application and review of this award. The leaders of the Central Authorities, the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council and the China Law Society, as well as the responsible comrades of organs and units under the Ministry of Justice attended the award ceremony General Assembly. Jiang Mingan, Gao Ming Xuan and other 43 winners receive the award. On behalf of invited guests, Professor Cui Jianyuan from Tsinghua University and Professor Liaoyong Liu from Xiangtan University made speeches on behalf of the winners of the NPC. We organized the speeches of the three professors and are quoted below to readers.
《三国演义》里有一段讲猇亭之战后,蜀吴两国再度结盟,张温和秦宓辩天,张温问天何姓,秦宓说姓刘,天子姓刘,自然老天爷也姓刘。天都有姓氏,遑论神佛呢?   既然说到了天,就说说天姓什么吧。中国古书上第一任天帝指帝俊,其名号见于《山海经》中,其姓不见记载,但他有许多儿子,有姓姜、姚、任等姓。第二任天帝有五位,称五方天帝,既代表东西南北中五个方位,又代表青白赤黑黄五种颜色、金木水火土五行。史书上说,刘邦斩
2018年第四季度,列入工业企业生产经营及景气状况专项调查的183家规模以上工业企业,占规模以上工业企业比重为44.3% .现对以上企业的生产情况简要分析如下:rn一、总体表现rn1