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着力保障他改善民生,必须逐步完善符合国情、比较完整、覆盖城乡、可持续的基本公共服务体系,提高政府保障能力,推进基本公共服务均等化。加强社会管理能力建设,创新社会管理机制,切实维护社会和谐稳定。努力提高居民收入在国民收入分配中的比重,提高劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重。创造条件增加居民财产性收入。健全扩大就业增加劳动收入的发展环境和制度条件,促进机 In order to ensure that he can improve people’s livelihood, we must gradually improve the basic public service system in line with the conditions of our country, which is more complete and covers both urban and rural areas, and enhances the government’s ability to guarantee and promote the equalization of basic public services. We will step up capacity-building in social management, innovate social management mechanisms and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. Efforts should be made to increase the proportion of residents’ income in the distribution of national income and increase the proportion of labor remuneration in the initial distribution. Create conditions to increase residents’ property income. We will improve the development environment and institutional conditions for expanding employment and increasing labor income and promote opportunities
日本是一个充满了两面性的国家:除了传媒上常见的勤劳努力的国民,也有很多喜好自由不愿被约束的雇员。对穷人的出现,日本政府和传媒都有责任。 Japan is a country full of
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一、三十年来的成就 我国钻探技术早在秦朝就被用于开凿盐井,后来,由于长期受封建社会的束缚,发展缓慢。解放初期全国只有东北几个主要矿区遗留下来少数工人和十几台破旧钻
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At the opening of full annual session of the lawmaking National People’s Congress on March 5,Premier Wen Jiabao delivered the government work report. The report consists of three parts:Review of Natio
实施区域发展总体战略和主体功能区战略,构筑区域经济优势互补、主体功能定位清晰、国土空间高效利用,人与自然和谐相处的区域发展格局,逐步实现不同区域基本公共服务均等化。坚持走中国特色城镇化道路,科学制定城镇化发展规划,促进城镇化健康发展。    陈秀山:实施主体功能区战略    从公报表述可以发现,国家区域发展政策具有连续性,比如,把区域协调发展放在首要位置。另外,强调实施区域发展总体战略,这也是“十
根据乌兹别克斯坦国家统计委员会2009年3月16日提供的数据,乌2008年GDP为36.8万亿苏姆,与2007年比增幅达9%。其中,塔什干市的GDP为6.23万亿苏 According to statistics prov