
来源 :电子测量技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guisq2
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(一) 在伟大的无产阶级文化大革命中,上无26厂工人和技术人员,以阶级斗争为纲,坚持独立自主,自力更生的方针,抓革命,促生产,以敢于设想,勇于实践的精神,在缺乏技术经验和设备不足的情况下,用元柱形管坯及卧式压模,采用横向压制工艺,压制三公分渐变波导,经过不断模索,反复试验,终于获得良好效果,解决了1973年试制TS-7旋转式精密衰减器中关键另件一渐变波导的加工技术问题,保证了产品质量,使试制和生产任务得到顺利地完成。 (二) TS-7型旋转式精密衰减器是用于测量三公分波段衰减值。其中的渐变波导一方元过渡波导(见图一),它的尺寸、精度与光洁度不但要求高,而且要求有正确的几何形状。这种波导的加工是比较复杂和困难的。对我厂来说,要加工这种波导,当采用那一种加工方法,既能达到另件技术要求,又适合我厂生产,就是一个关键性的工艺技术问。 (1) In the great Great Cultural Revolution of the proletariat, there are no 26 factory workers and technicians who take the class struggle as the key link, adhere to the principle of independence and self-reliance, grasp revolution and promote production, Lack of technical experience and lack of equipment, the use of cylindrical and horizontal cylindrical mandrel, the use of horizontal compression process, pressing three centimeter graded waveguide, after continuous modeling, repeated testing, and finally get good results, solved the 1973 trial TS-7 rotary precision attenuator key piece another tapered waveguide processing technology to ensure product quality, trial and production tasks successfully completed. (B) TS-7 type rotary precision attenuator is used to measure the three centimeter band attenuation value. One of the tapered waveguide transition waveguide (see Figure 1), its size, precision and finish not only demanding, but also requires the correct geometry. This waveguide processing is more complicated and difficult. For our plant, to process this waveguide, when using that kind of processing method, both to meet the technical requirements of another piece, but also for my factory production, is a key process technology.
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