办好好事 办实实事——揭阳市人大常委会积极践行党的群众路线

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加强自身建设开展党的群众路线教育实践活动,是保障人大依法履职、加强自身建设、解决存在问题的现实要求。2月12日,揭阳市人大常委会召开动员大会,对机关开展活动全面部署。为加强组织领导,成立了以常委会党组书记、副主任王德坤为组长的市人大常委会机关党的群众路线教育实践活动领导小组,研究制订了《市人大常委会机 Strengthening self-construction and carrying out the Party’s mass line education practice is a realistic requirement for ensuring that the NPC should perform its duties according to law, strengthen self-construction and solve existing problems. On February 12, Jieyang Municipal People’s Congress held a mobilization meeting to conduct an all-round deployment to the authorities. In order to strengthen the organization and leadership, the leading group for the mass line education practice organized by the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, Wang Dekun, secretary of the Party Committee of the Standing Committee and the deputy director, was established and set up the "Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee
he Baffled1 doctors are trying to unravel2 the mystery of an Indian village boasting more than 220 sets of twins born to just 2,000 families.Experts who have vi
背景 :血清甘油三酯作为一个心血管病的危险因子 ,尚未明确。方法及结果 :一项在亚太地区开展的前瞻性研究的个体参加资料的荟萃分析 ,用Cox模型综合 2 6项研究 ,按甘油三酯
患者男性,67岁.因心慌、胸闷于2003年1月2日入院.高脂血症史多年.入院前3个月在外地旅游时出现阵发性心慌、胸闷,未予治疗.近1周因阵发性心慌、胸闷就诊.入院体检:血压135/85 mm Hg,脉搏62次/min,心界左下扩大,心音低弱,律齐,心尖部闻及Ⅲ期6级收缩期杂音.心电图Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联呈QR型,T波低平,V1~V4导联呈QS型,V5~V6导联呈QRS型,V1~V5导联ST段上抬1~
Polymers of intrinsic microporosity(PIMs) are a class of porous organic polymer(POP) that form microporous solids due to the inefficient packing of their rigid