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从永宁县农业生态条件的实际出发,群众在长期的生产实践中,摸索出常年旱、常年稻和水旱轮作三种类型的种植制度。这三种种植制度的区域分布界限从五十年代到六十年代都是很明确的。旱田主要分布在汉延、唐徕和惠农三干渠沿岸高地上;湖滩周围低洼积水地为常年稻田,洼地和旱田之间是水旱轮作区(水旱轮作区在唐汉渠系是连片的,其它均零星分布)。七十年代初北方农业会议后,在大搞以平整土地为中心的农田基本建设过程中,实行一抹平川,削高填 From the actual agricultural ecological conditions in Yongning County, the masses in the long-term production practice, to explore the perennial drought, perennial paddy and drought rotation three types of planting system. The distributional boundaries of the three cropping systems are very clear from the 1950s to the 1960s. The dry land mainly distributes on the heights along the Hanyan, Tangla and Huinong three main channels; the paddy field around the beach is perennial paddy field, and the dryland and paddy field are the water and drought rotation zone (the water and drought rotation zone is contiguous in the Tang and Han dynasty) The others are sporadic). After the northern agricultural conference in the early 1970s, in the process of capitalizing on farmland centered around the formation of land, a series of measures were taken to reduce costs,
随着企业信息系统在组织管理过程中的广泛应用,如何帮助企业实现绩效提升已成为学术界和企业界共同关注的焦点。本文从企业资源计划(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP)系统
目的 :研究骨髓间质干细胞 (MSCs)移植对脑出血大鼠的治疗效果及机制。方法 :分离MSCs后进行培养、扩增 ,并用流式细胞仪进行荧光三标检测鉴定 ,将标记后的MSCs通过颈动脉、
沧桑百年有水深也有火热一口长长的闷气终于吐向云天 A hundred years of vicissitudes have a deep water is also a fiery long time sulking finally spit sky
1 临床资料患者 ,男性 ,4 5岁。因咳嗽伴痰中带血于 1997年 3月行纤维支气管镜检查。一年前体检肝功能正常 ,甲、乙和丙型肝炎病毒学检查均阴性。患者在纤支镜检查中意外发
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