以人为本 关注民生 努力取得纠风工作新成效

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2010年,在党中央、国务院的坚强领导下,各地区各部门坚持围绕中心、服务大局,认真解决损害群众利益的突出问题,大力加强政风行风建设,纠风工作取得新的成效。(一)涉农、涉企两项重点治理工作成效明显。纠正损害农民利益的不正之风工作深入推进。强农惠农资金专项清理检查工作取得实效,发现和整改问题2.3万个,涉及金额175.5亿元。维护农民生产生活权益工作力度 Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council in 2010, all localities and departments persisted in focusing on the center and serving the overall interests of the country, conscientiously resolving the outstanding problems that have undermined the interests of the masses, vigorously stepped up the building of the government style and the rectification work and achieved new results. (I) Obvious achievements have been made in the two key governance projects involving agriculture and enterprises. Correct the unhealthy tendencies damaging the interests of peasants in-depth promotion. The special clean-up and check-up work of the benefiting farmers and beneficiaries made substantial gains, with 23,000 problems found and rectified, involving an amount of 17.55 billion yuan. Maintain farmers’ rights and interests in production and life
近年来,一些城市用钠盐作为主要干道的融雪剂,融化的盐水已构成影响植物生存的新污染源。文章探讨了撒盐除雪对道路环境的影响及对策 In recent years, some cities use sod
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松瘿小卷蛾(Laspeyresia zebeana)为磷翅目、卷蛾科害虫。主要危害落叶松,是我国北方落叶松人工林的重要害虫。该虫在3~20年生落叶松上均有发生,并以3~7年 Laspeyresia zebea