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吴×,男,11岁,于1980年2月25日晚9时半误服安眠酮57片,于深夜3时因鼾声发作被送来我院抢救。当时血压90/50毫米汞柱,脉搏100次/分,心音有力。心律齐,呼吸急促,两眼流泪,口角流涎,肌肉松弛,呈深度昏迷状态。角膜反射消失,瞳孔明显缩小,对光反射消失,压迫眶上神经时,瞳孔尚能放大。腹壁反射、提睾反射消失,布氏征、克氏征、巴氏征均阴性。血钾、钠、氯、二氧化碳结合力及血糖均在正常范围。诊断:安眠酮中毒。给予中枢神经兴奋药,以美解眠为主的综合治疗及对症处理,经6小时抢救,病情不见好转,反而面色苍白,血压有下降的趋势,考虑是药量不足,故把美解眠加大到150毫克,持续至噪动而停止,晚间连续躁动多时,给冬眠灵25毫克,才停止大的躁动,之后又间断躁动两次,27日晚上8点钟才完全清醒,从服毒到清醒共47小时。 Wu ×, male, aged 11, was mistaken in using methamphetamine 57 at 9:30 on the evening of February 25, 1980, and was delivered to our hospital for salvage at 3:00 in the middle of the night. At that time, blood pressure 90/50 mm Hg, pulse 100 beats / min, strong heart sounds. Qi Qi, shortness of breath, tears, mouth salivation, muscle relaxation, was a deep coma. Corneal reflex disappeared, the pupil was significantly reduced, the light reflex disappeared, oppression of the supraorbital nerve, the pupil can still enlarge. Abdominal wall reflex, cremasteric reflex disappeared, Brinell sign, Kirschner sign, Pakistan sign were negative. Potassium, sodium, chlorine, carbon dioxide binding and blood glucose are in the normal range. Diagnosis: sleeping ketone poisoning. Give the central nervous excitement medicine, the United States to relieve sleep-based comprehensive treatment and symptomatic treatment, after 6 hours of rescue, the condition did not improve, but pale, blood pressure declines, considering the lack of dose, so the United States to sleep plus To 150 mg, continued until the noise stopped, continuous night restlessness for a long time, to give 25 milliliters of winter spirit, to stop the big restlessness, followed by intermittent restlessness twice, at 27 o’clock on the 27th only fully awake, from poisoning to awake A total of 47 hours.
The Carnival season dates back to 1268 and is integrally linked with the liberating Venetian mask which allowed its citizens to transcend class,race and gender
串串虽小,商机无限,小创意撬开大市场,目前怪难吃串串烧在全国已有1000多家加盟店,怪难吃小串烧休闲食品受到人们茶余饭后的喜爱,这些竹签上串着的小黄瓜片、小冬瓜片等各种蔬菜、鸡翅膀、鸡柳等可能不起眼,但通过调查数据显示仅全国所有加盟店串烧蔬菜的年吞吐量就达到了上千万吨,小串烧获得了大成功,全国市场持续火爆。如今,谁还敢说这些小串烧不起眼呢?    经典美良 频繁走进央视黄金栏目    一年之内,有
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